Chapter 16

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Contrary to how he act, Rider is not a fool

A convining coward who plot and plan against the person closest to him, but never someone who overestimate his worth

Yesterday's even have forced him to reconsider his perspective to a certain Master of his

Jason is not a combat-efficient Servant. Neither is Medea. Not to menion their current feud, the two of them will not survive the war with the likes of Saber or Lancer. There's no reason to think Shinji had thought so when he propose the plan

An alliance between two Servants naturally would mean the two finding out about each other's identity. So to solidify Caster's loyalty to him, the Matou employed countermeasures beforehand. On his side, his identity is in risk of being compromised

Until only the two remains, Shinji Matou had a leverage on Caster courtesy of the Ryuudou temple, while he leashed Rider with the threat of Medea

It show that Shinji Matou is not only a coward, but on with brains

The cunning to evade danger. The ruthlessness to do harm unto others. The cowardice best fitted for one's survival. It is the trait of a person used to controlling others

Once again, he is not a fool to think, even for one moment, Matou had not been naive enough to consider sacrificing him to Medea

"The problem is when he will do it" He gazed at the city outside

When the other five Servants are taken care of? No, then it would be too obvious. Most likely, the Matou guy will take the initiative for a premptive strike

Shinji seems like a patient kind of guy, but it'll only a matter of time before the gallow rises.

After all, only a coward knows another coward best


I found myself wondering if I'd gotten lucky with deceiving Rider

The only reason I'd managed to convince Caster is situational at best. With the combination of [Silver Tongue] and immaculate acting, the Servant is content to form a faux alliance on the surface while she seek to undo my countermeasures.

Meanwhile, Jason would be on guard for my action. His chance of betraying me seem to have went down as long as he believed me to have the upper hand, assured that I had already formed the deal on the basis of using him as scrap

All warfare is based on deception

"Gaslight your enemy at every opportunity, and victory is yours"

Today I attend classes as usual.

My friends smiles and wave at me. I had gotten used to it.

I may look average, but the fact that I occasionally hang out with Rin may have elevated my social status in their eyes

Who is that ugly guy? Oh, he is friend with the top bitch of the school? Nevermind, he looks so handsome. Why is he such an asshole? He is Rin Tohsaka's childhood friend? Then it can't be helped that he is so charming

My origin as a [Parasite] is working as intended. Not only do I become a being capable of extending my reach to any living being...I can also leech off their social prestige!

"Hey Shirou" I stopped at the canteen when break come.

To my surprise, my redheaded friend is standing there with an apron along with the cooks

"Did you get employed by the headmaster or something?"

The heat of the kitchen flared up, illuminating the figure of the redhead at one of the table. One hand holding the large spatula while the other held the pan with which the rice is cooked in, he looked no more a soldier fighting the battle of his life

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