Chapter 3

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For the next few days at the Matou residence, I began concentrating on improving my statistics.

To strengthen myself would be the first priority since I can't do jackshit in this puny body of Matou Shinji. Fortunately, the System is in support of that decision

-  Train to improve your physical conditions

Reward: 5 Points

I began with some simple exercise just to test out my limit

"And a one, and a two" I count. "And a three, and a f-- Hold up. Nope, just three then"

My muscle, bulging feebly and shaking in an uncontrollable manner, strained under the weight of my supported body. Before long, I was forced to plop myself down to the floor out of breath

Three measly pushups is the final extent of my pathetic stamina, much to my disappointment. It appears Shinji Matou is simply that weak

"Damn it! Why can't I be a fucking Gary Stu!?"

I want to be those lucky son of bitches with cheat abilities and a tendency to make any girls in their vicinity wet themselves. It's a cliche, but it's a cliche I for once think would be actually useful in a situation like this

Getting up from the ground, I looked at my unathletic body with no partial amount of disgust. Sweats covered my body from head to toe, soaking my clothe in an annoying fashion

The reason I'm running this test is because unlike others with the same property, the Gamer system belong to me has no accurate stat calibration in the form of numerical value

Everything from strength, luck, to endurance, is based upon an approximate in comparison to real world limit, not by precise statistics that can be calculated.

The System is baffled by the user's demanding attitude

The System ask him to which unit of conversion would the player prefer his Statistic to be?

"None" I ground out, looking away "I don't know any of them aside from km/h, and even then it's all relative anyway"

It is impossible to measure someone's overall strength with only a single number. There are many factors that must be pulled into the equation such as lifting force, striking capability and others that would influence your total result

Take a bodybuilder for example. They may look tough from the outside, but in an actual fight against any street rat they would be severely disadvantaged despite the strength disparity

That is because their muscles are not trained for the task of executing swift strikes as it is to build up lifting strength, which is crucial to their career

I focused back on my situation

"Three push-up's, ha...." I sighed "I can barely do four, and yet I'm already talking about bodybuilding and street fighting shit. Delusions, kids, delusions"

Like it or not, at the moment the most I can do is fight against an adult--and even then it depends on whether I could stab them from behind or not


Back to practice it is. This time I'll test my stamina. The objective is to run two rounds around the Matou residence while maintaining top speed. I'm sure if I can just keep my breathing steady it shouldn't be too hard

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