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The curtains rose up high and then very delicately folded near the ceiling.
The long tassels on it's end framing the dias, oh so perfectly, that it seemed like a canvas.

The star of this stage, a striking beauty, gentle yet with such depth of character, moved with curiosity and clarity to her own beat.

This beautiful creation, dressed in dark brown with a collarrette oh so delicate, made a sweeping motion across the dias as if in search of something or maybe someone.

Having no idea of another similar dias and stage right beside this one, with an equally rapturous star, working together to create magic for the beholder, the thing of beauty finally found her long awaited.

And he walked in closer and closer, while the stars on either dais twinkled and twinkled for him.

Then he bent down oh so slowly, that's the curtain call my friends, those two perfect curtains closed so gently, as he placed a kiss on the forehead in between them curtains.

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