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The sound of boiling water bubbling up soothingly stopped with a click of the kettle. I grabbed a packet of three-in-one coffee and made a cup of pipping hot coffee.

I put my cup down, fixed my hair up in a bun and picked up my coffee again. That's when I saw her.

"Well, I once went on a coffee date. It was the single most beautiful day of my life." She announced.
I stared at the doe eyes of the girl saying thus.

She looked so vulnerable. Her eyes brimmed with tears as her hair flew about a little wildly. She looked like someone you'd want to protect.

"We connected over coffee. It was as magical as I once thought life was and much more."she mused.

Weirdly though I felt the brush of a cool breeze around my tresses and shivered slightly at the chill.

"The coffee and his eyes became my favourite things at from that moment on."she smiled in remembrance.

I continued looking at her forlorn figure silently wondering if I should say something.

"One date led to another. And before I knew it I was engaged to be married." She sniffed.

For some reason I felt myself to be very close to this girl I was looking at in the mirror.

" Have you heard of Honour killing ? Well, My fiancé was killed on the day before my wedding because he wasn't worthy enough to be a son-in-law of my family." She said.

Her words tickled my memory ever so slightly.

I looked into her eyes and she into mine. She was me but also not me. I didn't ponder on who she was but rather on who I thought I had been all these days.

For a while now I've been wondering what this life I've been living was. There was a void and my brain failed to fill me up on what used to be that void.

"You're not me. If that's what you're wondering. You are just very important for me."she said.

I laughed slightly. "I'm looking at you in the mirror. How can you be not me ?" I wanted to tell my reflection that I'm in charge.

But didn't that mean the fiancé who was murdered was mine? Didn't that mean my life was shattered by my family ? Why then did I have no recollection of my sweet , innocent family members ever doing something like that to me?

Hey brain, come on , you can do better than that ... I used my free hand to hit my head to trigger my brain as if it was the TV remote.

Still nothing...

She gave a small snort at my attempt.

"I want you to take revenge for me. Kill them. The ones who killed my fiancé. The ones who forced me to commit suicide." She said.

"You mean attempt suicide, I'm still alive aren't I ? " I said dryly. So my subconscious wants to take revenge. But I can't hurt my family and friends. I don't even know what happened if not for this reflection.

"I'm not you. Look closely in the mirror,you fool." She yelled.

I dropped my cup and held both my hands to my ears. The coffee spilled all over the floor as the cup rolled a semi-circle and came to a stop.

I looked closely into the mirror and saw my reflection. A scared and alert face with wide open eyes.

And right behind my reflection I saw her. The girl with doe eyes standing with a smirk.

I staggered slightly and turned to look. There was no one in the room behind me.

I looked to the floor and there wasn't any coffee spilt on the floor, no coffee cup, no kettle whatsoever.

I looked around to see nothing but a white wall and a little cot.

I tried to look for my reflection again. But the mirror wasn't even there.

I looked at the door and through the little glass on it saw, my parents holding hands and crying, while glancing at my door every now and then.

My brain cleared up the fog for a split second. I was in a mental health care facility.

Then I started hearing my kettle boil and decided that it's time to make a cup of coffee.


(Disclaimer : A work of pure fiction based on Schizophrenia. Not to be taken as a typical clinical case.)

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