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This is an account about how unique I am. A prism splits white light into colours and that's exactly my super power. What I can do is considered insane, but I call it magic. Being a unique person is quite the task, all I can say is what Spiderman said, " With great powers come... "You know what it is.

Maybe I'm not good enough that is why they hate me. They are scared of me because I'm a monster. I don't blame them, I would be scared of myself too. Maybe if I keep quiet and hide myself they'd leave me alone. After all I am bound to be all alone by fate.

Mommy told me to be quiet bwecause we have gests. I helped her cwean my woom. She told me I'm a gwood gwirl. So she gwave me a cookie. Gamma made them for me. I'm going to shawe it with Sparky. He loves to eat gamma's cookies. Mamma says Spawky isn't real. He's my imaginawy friend.

I was going to explain about my super power. But now it's even better. You guys got to see it yourself. Yeah , I've multiple personality disorder. I split into two other persons. I'm a prism. Am I not awesome? Bye bye. I gotta go update my status.

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