JUST ANOTHER EMOTION (Only too strong)

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They tell you not to drink and drive,
Cue the lack of judgement when intoxicated;
Broken glasses and shattered lives.

They tell you not to speak when mad
Cue the lack of love and sense when so riled;
Broken hearts and shattered selves.

A deadly sin it is ,this anger;
A two edged sword -
It amputates what only needed stitches,
It tears down what only needed some cement.

A morbid condition it is, this anger;
A wave of regret -
It strikes out what only needed erasers,
It extracts what only needed RCT.

They told me , "Be angry and yet don't sin."
I scratched my scalp raw, confused.
"Don't let the sun go down on your anger" they quoted
In understanding lies the cure , is what I understood thus.

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