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The belt of Orion.
Mama told me that's what they looked like.

My scars : Three tiny , round, pitted scars on my forehead.
Not a result of some brave act. Just an unfortunate bout of Chicken pox.

Did it make me unattractive ?
Maybe. It's not according to today's beauty standards after all.

Did it make me insecure ?
Oh yeah, that it sure did.

No fair complexion, no clear skin and definitely no confidence.

Until one day I lost my breath because of a heavy compressive force acting upon my thorax.
A crush, my friends told me.

"What's the point?" I sighed. For I knew so well that I'm not the type to turn heads let alone his.

I went my way or so I thought. My quiet life of libraries and music remained my refuge from the harsh realities of life.
I tried to make my inner self beautiful. Maybe that's a selfish thing to do.

I recorded music from my secret den (aka my room) for people at the old age home who needed music therapy. I recorded myself reading books for the children at the blind school. Were these good deeds? Or were they excuses to make myself feel better ?

But I still followed him around , unobtrusively (cough!).

And one day I got caught. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you".

He looked me straight in the eyes and told me to stop stalking him. "Stella, you deserve more than a guy like me."

Even though I was distracted by his face, I managed to hear what his said(barely).
But before I could comprehend it he was gone. And yet all I could think of was that he knew my name.

How could he possibly know my name ?

That's what I felt ,the moment I realised he knew my name.

I knew his as well which means you know what I'm about to do next.

Yes , I looked him up on the Internet.

But the curiosity of an infatuated girl and the stalking skills of an invisible girl overpowered my will to let it go. And the secrets I found made my heart stop, pretend to be dead, then quickly restart before deciding to race for the gold medal.

He was on parole from juvie for second degree murder of a guy who tried to rape his sister. His little sister lost her eyes in the horrific incident.

This guy was a hero and yet he was considered a villain by the unrelenting law.

If my constraints were general standards his was the law.

The next time I saw him I asked him about how he knew my name.

He kept silent for a while before he said two words.

"The stories."

The stories.

Those stories I recorded for the blind school his sister goes to. He listens to them.

My eyes widened in surprise.

"Nightmares" he explained.

My stories put him to sleep at night.

Thus by starting off not deserving each other we began to get to know each other better.

As time went by, we learnt that LOVE wasn't DESERVED but rather DESTINED.

And that's how, today, five years after we first met, I've married my hero.

And even today, every night he whispers to me, "Hey beautiful , did I remind you that while you may have a constellation on your forehead, I have a galaxy in my arms, when I hold you ?"

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