Chapter 4: Kenma and Kuroo

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"You know I hate shouting right?!" the man said

"HAHAHAHAA I miss you too Kenma." I replied

Kenma and I are close even though we didn't go to the same school or same work, we met during training camps during highschool I was the manager for the men's volleyball club in my school, he was always with his switch and I would just look at him and his friend now lover Kuroo, they're childhood friends and so were Akaashi and me, we thought that we had the same relationship but it seems not....

My mood changed because Akaashi came to my mind, my excitement changed to sadness.

"Hey, what's with the sudden mood change, you haven't let us in your house and haven't said hi to me, y/n, is something bothering you?" Kuroo asked

"It's nothing, something just came to my mind ahahaha, hi" I answered

"so you're gonna let us in or nah?" Kuroo asked again

"right, haahhaha go in" I answered

"It's been so long hahaha" Kuroo spoke

But I was a little uncomfortable because Bokuto and him are really close.

"Hhahahaa it is" I replied to him because there was a sudden awkwardness

"Sit, you guys" I told them

They sat on the couch and kenma tried to open the tv but kuroo stopped him and then signed him to look at me.

"He-hey y/n, we know what happened, that's why we're here and I noticed that you were somewhat uncomfortable around me.... Don't worry I'm not siding with Bokuto, what they did was wrong and I'm sure that they know that." He said to me with serious eyes but smiling.

"I'm okay, you guys and uhm I'm trying to move on haha, it's hard but I'm trying, but anyway they're a match, they look good together" I replied feeling uneasy

"Aren't you guys busy? I mean you guys are big times" I said trying to change the topic

"We're okay, a bit busy but we can handle it" Kenma replied

"What about you? Did you take a day off? I noticed you look pale, what happened?" Kenma added

I realized that I can't escape the topic and that I needed to explain them what happened to me and Akaashi.

I told them what happened

"Th-that's why you were pale? He didn't even have an umbrella? He just looked at you? What?" Kuroo said in disbelief

"I didn't see any umbrella on the car, maybe there wasn't" I lied

"Even so" Kuroo added

"Don't forget the fact that we just broke up" I reminded him

"Sorry" he apologized

"It's okay" I added

"So y/n do you want to go out? Let's go somewhere windy." Kenma invited

"Kenma is that you??" I asked dramatically

"tss" he reacted

Kuroo just smiled

"so?" Kenma added

"sure, just let me change" I told them

So I got up to my room and dressed

My outfit was ripped jeans and an oversized shirt and I brought an oversized jacket but then I remembered that he loves it when I wear his jacket, I felt down but tried to bring myself up and then wore sneakers.

I was not going outside when my face is a mess because my eyes are sore from crying, so I brought a sunglass with me and had put some powder on my face.

I came down and Kuroo was on the gate waiting for us while Kenma was still on the couch waiting for me while watching the T.V.

"I'm readyyy" I shouted

But honestly I wasn't ready, I'm having a bad feeling, and I have a fever, but I really want to go and hang out with them because it has been so long, that's why I still agreed to them.

We went outside to meet Kuroo and rode the car, I didn't know where we were going, but I didn't want to ask

Sometime after 5 min., I felt uncomfortable, I was not good with car rides and my fever.

I think Kuroo noticed me because the window rolled down.

Then I suddenly remembered that we would always ride Akaashi's motor because I really get dizzy on car rides.

I don't know, but Akaashi keeps coming on my mind, it pisses me off. Why couldn't my brain just forget him, and besides I was the one who told him that we would better off as strangers, strangers has no memories with each other, then why is my brain doing this to me, I felt a tear slip down my face, but I hurriedly wiped it because I didn't want Kuroo and Kenma noticing me.

Then some time after we stopped on a park.

I felt refreshed as I got off the van but kind of felt down because Akaashi and I broke up on a park, not specifically this park but the park beside my house, and I giggled cause I didn't tell them where we broke up and just thought that they were clueless and I didn't want them to feel bad.

"Hey y/n, you feel refreshed, relaxed?" Kuroo asked.

"Yeah" I answered

I saw a swing there, so I sat on it

While sitting on the swing, I was convincing myself that something good would probably happen.

 Life will never be consistent.

I didn't bring my phone so I didn't know what time it was, I wanted to know cause my head was starting to hurt but I felt shy to ask the two cause they were having the time of their life sitting on the grass, talking, so I figured that I would just let them be.

Some time after, the two proposed that we should head back home.

When we got to my house, we said our goodbyes and they too headed home.

I opened the gate dizzily.
My fever was killing me.

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