Chapter 3

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Locking my car and heading for the school doors. I'm stopped by gasps from different angles. I turn around to see what or rather who is causing the reaction and there he is, Cole definitely pulling off the black denim jeans and white Polo and black jacket he's putting on.

Putting on sunglasses at 7:00 in the morning. Seriously I've never seen anyone as cocky as this guy. He flips his hair to add some effect to his walk. Smirking at the girls fan girling him.

Everyone watched him as whispers and chatters filled the school especially when he stopped at my side.

"Hey Anne" he smirks. I pretend like he didn't just talk to me and walk away,No turning back but this guy.... This guy didn't the unexpected.

"ANNNEEE!!!!..." He shouted as he walked towards which made me freeze on the spot at all the attention he just caused. Out of no where he's wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me from behind.

Confused I don't say anything because honestly it felt good but it's Cole we're talking about. Whats he up to.

"Uhmm... Can you let me go now, Cole bear?" I mock him remembering the name his mom called him at dinner forcing the fakest smile I can muster.

He chuckles and shakes his head no. I try to get out of his grip but he wouldn't budge. So I did what any girl in my state would do. I licked my hand and rubbed it across his arm.

"What the actual fuck!" He yelped. "Was that your.. please tell me that wasn't what I thought it was" he says looking at his wet arm over and over again. I smirk at him and take a step.

"I give you a three heads up start because I'm sure you know you're not going scot-free"wide-eyed I look at him and know he's not bluffing and think of a way out. My locker is just down hall but what will it do. I look around for Patrick. He isn't anywhere. Oh no I'm doomed.

Im snapped back to reality when I hear him shout "2!!!..."

I take a right turn and that's when "3!!!!!.." it happens.. he's right behind me.

"I'm sorry " I shout.
"Not accepted love" he keeps running

"Please... I'm sorry. I'll do whatever you want just please stop" I don't hear footsteps so I assume he has stopped running but big mistake.

I turn around and he's in my face inches away from my face to be precise I can feel his minty breath on my nose.

"Whatever I want?" He asks

I think for a moment and nod. The smirk on his face right now tells me I'm doomed.


"What do you want?" Ready to get over with it.

"Nothing for now. I'll tell you when I know. Right now can you help me find my way around this school and I'm not ready to get lost" he tells me looking around.

"Ohh okay. Come on" I drag him on his arm to the receptionist office to get his timetable and sign in.

"Babe if you wanted me so badly should have just said so you know I'll happily give you my all" he says looking down at me.

"What??" I shake my head. "You're delusional Cole"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are"
"No I'm not
"Yes you are"
"I'm not doing this with you" I say and speed up my pace hoping to get there before I'll eventually kill someone's child.

"Learn to accept the truth it'll help" he tells me but I don't know I don't think he's talking about the same thing anymore and there's more to those words but I don't ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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