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Yes I'm crazy
Crazy about life
Crazy about my fantasies
Crazy about everything

I am going through problems just like all of you
But I still love to live in my fantasies
Because that's where I can dance on stars, sleep on the moon and wake up on clouds

I don't believe in magic
But my fantasies seem pretty magical to me
A wise man once said, "You don't wait for your dreams to happen, you make them happen"
Which I could do that, I really wish I could

Another wise man said "But the life we live isn't so simplistic, you just don't get what you want"
It's sad that I used to think I could get anything I wanted when I was younger
As I grew up, I realized that isn't the case

Still I choose to believe in my fantasies
Not because I'm crazy, but because I have hope
Hope for the future
I know it won't be all rainbows and daisies
But it'll definitely be better than my troubles now

I guess hope is the only think keeping me from losing it completely


Hope you liked it

*sending a virtual hug*

~ Hamdia❤️

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