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I take a deep breath
And close my eyes
What do I see? Black
Look to my left and I still see black
Look to my right and it's still black

They asked my why
My favourite colour was black
I said it described my life
They asked my why
I always acted so dark
I said that's just how I like it

I don't live in colour
It's too boring
I don't like to laugh out loud
We all know the pretty sounds aren't roaring

Loving black
Living dark
Doesn't make me a bad person
It makes me feel even more beautiful
Because there's no light
Without the darkness

Knowing that instead of a rainbow
The night sky defines me
I like the beauty of black tulips
And not some little white lily

And in the end
Black is beauty🖤

Hey everyone!! Sorry I've been off for a while; been busy with studies, but hope you like this poem!!

Also this poem is not meant to offend anyone. "We all know the pretty sounds aren't roaring" I'm the kind of person that laughs out loud and doesn't care about other's opinions, so that line doesn't define me. So sorry if that line offends anyone, it's just for the poem.

*sending a virtual hug and a black tulip*

~ Hamdia❤️

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