Chapter Eleven

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As the night played out, Ahsoka, who had been previously distracted by the open buffet, found Kyah, Anakin, and Senator Organa. Shortly after which, Obi Wan charged over and scolded Anakin for hanging around Kyah so much, since she had to play her part as a Senator, and he forced him to keep his distance for the remainder of the evening.

Kyah was disappointed when Anakin left, but Ahsoka insisted that she should stay with Kyah, since two girls, close in age weren't all too suspicious. Kyah was grateful for the company, of which they both benefitted, as man after man approached the pair, looking to dance.

"Are there no female politicians on Mandalore?" Ahsoka grumbled to Kyah who nodded aggressively.

"That's what I was just thinking!" She said and then both girls nearly jumped out of their skins when Satine suddenly spoke from behind them.

"There are a few of us," she said as the two Jedi spun around to face her, "But, unfortunately, most of the councilmen and senate here on Mandalore, are descended from the early rulers of our world. They are born to power, which does not necessarily make them worthy of it." Satine sighed.

"But, you were born a royal, weren't you?" Ahsoka asked.

"No, I am an elected official. Chosen by the people to be their voice in the courts." She explained proudly, "Which is why it is imperative that I do not allow the rest of the court to side with the separatists. An alliance may benefit the few who remained in power, but my people would suffer greatly under the tyrannical rule of Count Dooku." She grimaced at the idea.

"Do you have a plan to persuade the council to side with you tomorrow?" Kyah asked, feeling the gravity of the situation weighing down on her.

"Not quite a plan, but I do have an idea." Satine admitted.

"My lady, I realize that it is not my place to ask, but, why is it that Count Dooku is allowed to participate in your meeting, but the Jedi are not?" Kyah wondered.

"The notion was raised initially by Handon Crax, that we should include Dooku in the debate. I thought the ludicrous idea would be shot down immediately, but to my surprise, he got the majority vote. I then proposed that the Jedi be included also, but my motion was vetoed by the majority." She recalled the meeting, "My people have never held much love for the Jedi, especially not those who are descended from the old royal families, but it was my belief that their ill favour extended to the Sith as well. I was shocked to hear that Dooku would be welcome, but I'm afraid Democracy must rule, otherwise we would descend into chaos." She sighed.

"I understand." Kyah nodded. "You must respect the will of your council, as we respect ours." She said and looked over to Ahsoka who nodded grimly.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that I trust Dooku." Satine clarified, "which is the only reason that I have gone along with your plan. Deception would be an unacceptable course of action under normal circumstances, but I fear for not only my own safety, but the safety of all our senators tomorrow. I have no clue as to what Dooku has planned. But his presence here is evidence enough that there is more to this meeting than we yet understand." She said.

Kyah felt her blood boil as a sharp heat moved up her body in waves.

"Speak of the devil." She whispered and looked pointedly at Satine as she sensed Dooku approaching from behind her. She made sure to give no indication that she had felt his presence before he spoke.

"Good evening ladies." He said in his low and gravelly voice.

Now Kyah turned around to face the Count, taking a step back to stand between Ahsoka and Satine.

"Good evening, what can we do for you?" Satine asked in a cool and emotionless voice.

Count Dooku smiled politely and bowed his head, "My dear Duchess, it is not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you." He attempted to entice her, but Satine remained unimpressed. "You know by now, that the separatist armies have taken control over many of the quadrants surrounding Mandalore. We can offer you safe supply routes and opportunities to trade with our many benefactors." He said.

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