3 - Below the Timberline

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Summary — The cadet has a talk with their siblings about them boarding at Big Swirl Island.

'Hey dad?'

'I was wondering ... has Speedy called yet?' Hope beaded the avifauna's skin like dew on grass. 'It's been weeks since I last heard from him!'
'Well, I'm sure he's been busy, being a Top Wing instructor and managing the academy. But, he might've assumed that you're the busy one, trying to get your tasks done ... which isn't wrong. However, I've been given a few days off so I can look after the boys, and school's opening soon, so that way, you can get to your tasks!'
'Oh, okay!' The avifauna nodded. 'Once you're not busy, I can get to finishing my tasks!'
'Sorry ...'
'It's fine dad, I understand, you have to do what's best for us. Well, I should probably go check up on the boys in the lounge room, but I hope you're done soon!'

'Thanks, I really hope so too ... and tell Takao to do his studies!'
'What's going Taz?' Takao said. Taz rolled her eyes at her nickname.
'Dad said you need to do your studies,' she informed.
'Come on! Do I really have to ...?'

Tara only stood there with her arms crossed, raising an eyebrow.

Takao huffed. 'Okay ...' He flew out of his seat to retrieve his homework book.

Taz rolled her eyes. 'That's the spirit now ...'
'Hey, don't you have those tasks to finish?' Theodore reminded.
'Yeah, I know,' sighed Tara. 'But I am getting hungry ... it wouldn't hurt to have some mixed berry mousse.'
'You're obsessed,' replied Theodore.
'Haha, very funny,' Taz smiled, flying to the kitchen.

'You're going to need our help packing when you leave for Big Swirl Island,' reminded Timothy. 'It's real balmy there ... are you sure you want to go?'
'Yeah! It's winter everyday here, but summer everyday at Big Swirl Island!' Takoda said.

'Of course I do! And I'm not living there permanently you know,' Taz entered the living room, raising an eyebrow. 'I'm only boarding there, so I'll be back on holidays!'

'Oh, I've been meaning to ask, what's your Top Wing cadet specialty?' Timothy queried. 'Since you've decided to go on about it for an hour once ...'
'Well, now I don't feel like telling you,' joked Taz, smiling. 'My specialty is mountain rescue, I was given the offer to become a cadet, so long as I passed the entrance exam.'

'Why didn't you do it the first time, when Top Wing Academy was looking for cadets then?' Takao asked.

'Well, I did apply and passed the written test, before it, uh, happened ...'

The room fell quiet. Of course, they had all known what happened, but nobody wanted to talk about it.

So they didn't.

'... Okay, so, carrying on,' Taz cleared her throat.

'So, how were you being assessed?' Timothy asked. 'I mean, it would be kind of reckless if they just ... left candidates stranded on a mountain to save themselves.'

'For the written test, it was just about mountains and piloting in general,' answered Taz. 'For the practical test, I was assessed on mountain climbing and piloting, since it's important to know how to do so if you're going to rescuing people from mountains!'

'And you're saying there was no one who was recruited as a mountain rescue cadet when you were offered to be one?' Theodore asked.
'Well, I guess no one who applied was suitable for the role?' Tara shrugged.

'Couldn't you just have been a normal pilot?' Takao asked. 'We've seen you fly a plane.'
'There's already what you call a "normal" pilot. Speedy informed me about the cadets that attend the academy. There's an all-terrain cadet, a surface of the water cadet and an underwater rescue cadet.'

'So, you'll be trained in mountain rescue as a mountain pilot ... well, that's not surprising, you're the best at mountain flying here in Montane Boscage,' smiled Timothy.

'... But, isn't Swift also a pilot in a way?' Takao mentioned.
'Yeah, but if I'm correct, I assume that Swift doesn't have experience with mountain flying, which can be pretty dangerous at times, pilots can experience a dangerous condition known as hypoxia, which impacts functions of the brain and organs, causing impaired vision, muscle control, and judgment, and the mountains also generate unusual and unpredictable weather patterns, with conditions changing in a matter of minutes,' explained Timothy.

'Ugh, boring!' Takao said as he hid under the coffee table. 'Why do you spend time reading about this kind of stuff?'
'Hey, what do you have to say, with the grades you have?' Timothy scoffed.
'Hey, cool it, you two!' Taz scolded. Unfortunately, calling for their dad, Oliver, was not what Taz wanted — Oliver was supposed to have a day off. He was on the council that governed Montane Boscage, and it seemed that they needed him all the time. 'I'll go get some berry cobbler for you lot to eat. Tyree, come on, get down now! Why don't you sit down quietly with Tadeo while he's on his hearing break.' Tyree flew down from the chandelier and laid down on the backrest of the couch Tadeo sat on, who was engrossed in a pop-up book Takoda made.

All this for one afternoon ... as much as I don't want to ... maybe I could do my tasks tomorrow, Taz thought wearily, setting the timer for how long the cobbler should warm up for in the oven.

At least then, she would have energy.

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