8 - Learning the Ropes

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Summary — Tara adjusts to boarding on Big Swirl Island.

Dawn was Tara's favourite time of day. It was the usual time she woke up at, when the sun barely peaked over the horizon and all her brothers were still asleep for another hour or so, an hour of peace to herself. Dawn was when Tara could wander around the island knowing that there was no one to watch her and judge her at every step she took.

But here on Big Swirl Island? Tara hadn't needed to worry about anyone thinking poorly about her, maybe Baddy, but it wasn't much of a big deal. A majority of Big Swirl Island's people were as warm as the island's temperature ... according to the cadets. But of course, Tara couldn't just go walk around wherever she would like to, otherwise, she'd get lost.

Tara stared at her pocket mirror, practicing a smile. Typically, she'd avoid looking into a mirror, but this would help make a better impression.


Too strained. Too cynical. Too coy. Why is it that a simple action could stir so many unnecessary considerations?


That was it. The familiar, small, simple smile. Content with anything anyone said.
'What should we have Tara work on using her vehicle in the virtual reality simulator?' Speedy questioned. 'We'd want to her achieve her badges as soon as she can, but should we only teach her the basics for today?'
Bea looked up from the control panel. 'We wouldn't want to overload her, considering, well, you know. I don't think she would want to be reminded of that.'

Speedy was silent, before he stated: 'I'll be honest, I can't process that Euphemia passed teacher school. Would that overload of work have been good for Tara?'
'Did she ever end up teaching cadets?' Bea asked.
Speedy responded, 'I think she did.'
'Well, we should assess Tara for an individualised report to see how fast she progresses,' suggested Bea.
'Alright, I'll schedule a virtual reality simulator session for today.' Speedy started swiping on his tablet.

Tara walked into the control room, not expecting to see Speedy and Bea. She froze at the sight of them.

'Oh, good morning Tara! You're certainly up early,' greeted Speedy.
'How was your sleep last night?' Bea queried.
'O-Oh, good morning!' Tara spluttered out, wondering if she looked awkward just standing still. 'I slept well last night.'

'That's good to hear,' smiled Bea.

'So, how do you feel about doing some assessments in the virtual reality simulator today?' Speedy asked. 'We'll be testing you on driving your vehicle.'

'Sure, when will I do it?'

'We'll hold your session at noon,' Bea informed. 'For now, how about you go to the Lemon Shack and get something to eat for breakfast?

Tara's stomach rumbled on cue.

Come on stomach, that's embarassing ... Tara thought, her shoulders tensing.

'Oh, um, sorry about that ... I'll go now,' Tara turned to leave.

'Oh, wait!' Speedy picked up something purple that was resting on the control panel, and walked over to hand it to Tara.

'This is your Top Wing Academy watch! You'll be able to check the time, take photos, and the cadets can call and send you messages from their own watches. On missions, we can also call you to help assist you!'

'Oh, thank you Speedy!' Tara put on her watch, which comforted her knowing that she'd always 'I'll be back before noon.'

'What do we do about the cadets? They've almost finished Level One and we wouldn't want to have Tara left behind. We hoped that all the cadets could level up at the same time, remember?' Bea said, as the doors slid closed behind Tara.

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