Chapter 4- Adrenaline

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NinjaDagger just thought of the best ship name for WillowXJesse. Wait for it... Wait for it... Jellow. I just died. XD.


We walk in and Sam's eyes are lit up with excitement. A smile plastered on her face she's looking at all the rides.

It's about 1:30 p.m. in the afternoon. The heat is getting to my hair stick to the back of my neck a bit, but there is a perfect breeze making it better. We all decided to work our way up to the roller coasters with smaller rides. We did a few turning rides, making us have to stop for a while because of feeling sick to our stomachs.

"Can we go on..." Sam pauses looking at the next roller coaster. "Wait, hold that thought, lets go on that one!" Pointing at a wooden roller coaster standing about 85 feet in the air. At that exact moment one of the link of cars goes over the biggest hill.

With high pictched screams coming from the cart. We all agree to go that the Timber Terror will be our starter roller coaster. We stop at the nearest bathroom on the way for Sam. Standing there waiting takes a few minutes. Sam comes bolting out grabbing Willow and I pulling us towards the roller coaster.

We get in line for Timber Terror. We make casual conversation until we get closer to Timber Terror. The wait was about and hour and a half long. We just joked who would chicken out. I said Jesse. Then the rest of them said Andrex. He took no offence to that because we usually pick on him being so quiet. We reach a few people away from the No Return Point. That's when Willow started freaking out.

"Sorry, I can't do this." Willow says about to pass it.

"What we waited in line for an hour or so and now you don't want to ride?" Sam whines a little bit.

"I can't I thought I could but I just can't." She explains.

"Please, do it for us?" Sam says.

"No, I can't wooden roller coasters scare me."

"Come on, don't be a baby." Rhys adds.

"No. No. No." We move forward closer to the No Return Point.

"Come on, Please?" Sam begs giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Come on you can't say no to Sam's puppy dog eyes." Rhys continues.

Willow sighs, "Fine." We pass the No Return Point.

We wait about 10 minutes before we have to split off of into our individual carts. I pull Andrex with me and push Sam with Rhys. Leaving Willow with Jesse. Jesse eyes become wide. He looks at me. I just smirk and give him two thumbs up.

Willow is getting jittery. Her eyes glued to the cart pulling up to the station. I get Jesse attention making motions with my hands giving him the signs to try to comfort her. He shakes his head. I just keep noding back encouraging him to make his move. He doesn't do anything.

We get situated in our seats. We pull our harnesses down over our heads. Waiting for the signal, I check up on Willow and Jesse which are seated in front of me. Willow is clutching the red bar in front of her so tight that her nuckles are white. I reach forward as far as I can and poke Jesse. He goes ridged because he knows its me. He looks back and gives me a look telling me to shut up.

I don't take the hint and I gesture to Willows hand. He shakes his head in response. I give him a death glare and he offers his hand to her. Without a second thought she takes it. I quickly take this chance to pull out my phone and take a picture of their linked hands.

"Miss you cannot have that out on the ride." One of the workers tells me.

I smile "Sorry I had too." I put it back in my pocket getting ready for the ride.

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