Chapter 1- Meeting of the Talented

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Staring as the yellow lines in the middle of the road change from solid to dashed and back to solid again.

I am lost in my own thoughts.


I could've never imagined this being with 5 of my best friends just driving until we hit the coast.

I glance over at Willow as she's singing to what ever is playing on the radio. It sounds like some kind of pop music Which everyone seems to be enjoying except Andrex which is sucked into his book again.

Andrex has never been the social one in the group. You rarely see him without a book, or an instrument in his hand. That's actually how the two of us met.

We both got put in the same group in elementary school when we were choosing our new instruments, like everyone else we all got the choice between the orchestra instruments, which I basically fell in love with. The majority of the students chose band while the lesser amount of kids chose and orchestra instrument.


"Hi, what is your name?" As child me sits down next to the kid with the brown hair covering his eyes, in the corner focused on his book, that look way above our grade level.

He looks up obviously uncomfortable with my presence "Andrex?" Quickly making eye contact and looking back at his book.

"My names Alexandrea, but everyone calls me Alex. What are you reading?" Seeming a little to interested to get to know him. I have a tendency to invade peoples space, so I was just leaning a little to close to him trying to get a better look at his book.

"Um... It's part of the Harry Potter series." As I ignore the fact that he sounds very uncomfortable.

Me trying to make him less uncomfortable I lean back and continue the conversion "What instrument are you thinking on getting? I'm going to trying the flute."

Still not looking up from his book "I'm going to be trying the violin."

"Those are the most boring instruments." trying to sound convincing "You should try the trumpet, or the clarinet, they are more exciting than the violin."

"I've taken lessons since I was 5. Orchestra in fact can be very enchanting." Hearing his name from the music teacher he folds the corner of the page he was on to save his place, standing now he turns to me, "I'll show you what the violin can do." Walking away to the front of the class.

I wasn't expecting much. I was positive that it was going to sound like all the other kids that have already went, Andrex talking to the teacher for a minute then her going over to where the violin sat she picked it up, turning and handing it to him.

Resting the violin on his shoulder, then he delicately placed his chin on the chin rest. Bringing the bow to the strings, he closed his eyes and began. With in a few seconds the class had gone totally quiet turning their attention from their conversions to the front of the class. My mouth drop open as he played a song that I didn't know but all I knew that it sounded amazing. With perfectly placed fingers, swiftly moving up the fingerboard and back down again not missing a single note.

When the song finally came to an end the class erupted in clapping and cheering.

His eyes suddenly opened looking out at the class, realizing everyone is now watching him. He quickly hands off the violin back to the teacher. All eyes on him as he walks back to his spot avoiding all the people and quickly glancing at me, as he walks past me, giving me a smirk.

"Wow! I was wrong. Your amazing." Suddenly hearing my name from the teacher I quickly get up. "I'm choosing the violin now." Getting up and rushing to the front of the class.

Ignoring my comment he opens his book and begins reading again.


Suddenly, I was being shaken out of my daze with Will yelling at me "Alex, snap out of it!"


"We were wondering what you wanted from McDonald's? We've been trying to snap you out what ever you've been thinking about for the last 5 minutes."

"Oh, sorry. Um... I'll have a chicken salad and ranch on the side."

"OK. Are you OK?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Realizing my bladder is about to burst "I need to use the bathroom."

"OK I really didn't need to know the last part."

I get up and make my way back to the bathroom trying not to trip over the guys legs in the middle of the aisle. Rhys on his phone playing some game, Andrex was of course still reading the book of his, Jess was on his laptop typing up something, most likely finishing up on one of his stories, and Sam was on her laptop watching movie or show on Netflix, most likely the newest show of Supernatural.


Washing my hands I glance up to look at myself in the mirror. My wavy, chocolate brown with natural blonde highlights hair that is slightly past the middle of my back. I've missed my long hair. I would donate my hair every few years to Locks of Love. I've donated it about four times since I was six years old.

Walking out of the bathroom compartment I head to the front of the RV. Stopping in my tracks as I notice Jesse has taken my spot in the passenger seat. I give a little sigh.

Jess turning around giving me a smirk and turning back to face the road again.

Taking his previous seat next to Andrex laying my head on the head rest behind me drifting off to sleep.


Sorry I really haven't had time to do anything because of school and other distractions. -cough- video games -cough-. So yeah this is the very first chapter. Just for your information I will probably change a lot as I go. ~Crim.

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