Chapter 1

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"Dammit!" Willow sweared as another arrow missed its mark.

"Don't sweat. You are at it for far too long. Perhaps, a little break will help you loosen your muscles," Reagan, the vampire and her team mate said from behind her.

"It's not that," Willow dismissed.

"Then pray tell what is?" Reagan said as she leaned on the door of the gym room with her arms folded, projecting a leisure pose. But only a fool will consider her calm.

Reagan is a master at creeping behind and killing the prey. But she sucks at being patient. Unlike Willow. Who can stand still for hours if the occasion calls for it.

And today that patience is eluding her. It might have to do with the absence of her team mates.

Defeated, she gave a sigh and dropped her arms, her back protesting. With her bow in right hand and the arrow in left, she turned to meet the eyes of the vampire.

"I can't help it. Something is brewing Reagan. I can sense it. If only the others are here-,"Willow trailed off as she clenched her fist around the arrow.

She need not say how she senses it. No one would ask her. Even if they do, they don't get the answers because everyone carries their secrets in Guild. Letting one's secrets know is equal to handing ones weakness to others.

Though Reagan is her team mate and best friend, she still hesitates to reveal her secrets. It's ingrained in her mind to never reveal. Never display your powers to an outsider, her parents last words before they died.

The Guild is a supernatural organisation, that includes all type of supernaturals. Their major goal is to kill the rogues. Any supernatural can turn a rogue but it has different meaning for each one.

For beasts or werewolves, rogue means giving into their inner beasts urges, turning them into savages, feasting on others.

A vampire once turned rogue will kill and enjoy it while killing his blood donor. Basically, the vampire doesn't need to kill to curb their hunger. But a rogue will.

Fae, mages or witches- for all of them, going rogue means giving into their power. Unable to control their power. Their power will take a life of its own. That's why it's crucial for these kind to train before they hit puberty.

And lastly, there is the "others" kingdom. No one knows much about it. They keep to themselves. Even the Guild doesn't have any data on that kingdom and it sticks in the Guild head's craw.

"I wish too. But you know about them and how stubborn they are... well at least Azrian is. I don't know about Claire," Reagan said bringing Willow out of her musings.

"She shouldn't have quit the position," Willow said biting her lower lip with her front teeth, worrying over her team leader, Azrian. Azrian was given the task of spying on her king by the Guild's head. And Azrian being Azrian, she refused to spy.

"Azrian listens to no one. If she don't want to do it, then no one can force her. After hearing what the Guild head asked of her, I wouldn't blame her either," Reagan said as she casually tossed the dagger in the air only to catch it by its tip.

"Do you think there is something going on between her and the werewolf king?" Willow asked setting her bow and arrow carefully in the holder. She normally wouldn't leave the Guild without them. They are a part of her.

"Who knows? You know how Azrian is. She is as tight-lipped as you," Reagan said as she carefully met the eyes of Willow amid her stunt.

Instead of answering her indirect question, Willow said, "as if you spill all your beans. There is a reason why we are paired as a team. We are one close-lipped bunch."

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