Chapter 9

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Once she put down the phone, Willow started adding to the list on her journal.

1. She need to find who is behind this- the head honcho. From the groups of mercenaries, she is looking at a supernatural who has lots of money at his/her disposal. But then, all vampires are rich. Could it be a member of Elite council?

There is a motive- Coveting throne. If the king can be shown as useless to the people, then it would become easy for the member to dethrone him.

But why would they need the blood of other supernaturals? What about the mage? If it's a member of the Elite council, then it would be inner politics. Why drag other supernaturals?

All this guess-work is getting her no where. She need proof. A solid evidence leading somewhere.

2. Rescue all of them at once. Even if she leave one of them behind, the mercenaries will alert the head hydra making it impossible to rescue again.

3. What's the deal with the king? Perhaps it is time to confront that bastard. Or make him open his eyes.

No. Willow scratched the last one. Not now. If she confronted him now then he would become alert of her presence. And if he is part of this organisation then all those lives... no. She must tackle him later. After finding out the head of the organisation.

But how could she alone rescue all those people at the same time?

Reagan's idea is appealing more and more as she saw the statistics.

The location of the warehouses are at different corners of the city. A good 30-minute to 1 hour car drive. Even if she succeeds in rescuing one group, she need time to recharge her power. By that time, the other team might get alerted.

This is getting harder with each new angle. No matter from which angle she saw, she have to face a very powerful supernatural, a powerful mage or witch, an army of vampires and werewolves. Well at least there are no supernaturals from 'other' kingdom thrown into this mix. There is that.

Willow decided she must arm herself first to tackle anything. One step at a time. If she started thinking about the upcoming battle at her hands, she might go mad slowly.

Night has settled in, with stars blinking in the sky.

Checking the address of the arm dealer, Willow took her bag of weapons and drove to the address, Reagan gave her.

She parked her "borrowed" car beside the seedy looking garage. No one would have guessed that arms are being supplied behind this facade.

Willow strapped her weapon bag sans her bow and arrow on her shoulder and casually sauntered into the garage.

A bulky vampire is busy working under the hood of the car. She knew he heard her footsteps, what with his super hearing, but he gave the semblance of normality so she too pretended.

And the first rule of pretentious, never show your ignorance. Hence Willow waited patiently, scanning the garage, her eyes lapping on any potential weapons in the vicinity.

"Are you billy Jones?"

The hulk asked after a few minutes. Willow hide her triumph smile. They always crack. But then what he asked penetrated into her mind.

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