Chapter 6

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Willow quickly ducked behind the tree before they can look at her. She unzipped her hoodie and took out the ring she always carries.

It is a special ring given by Brenda to every member in her team. This ring can conceal the nature of the wearer. In other words, it hides the smell and aura of the wearer.

She swiftly wore the ring on the forefinger of her left hand. After taking a few deep breaths to calm her heartbeat, she made the vine of the tree grew longer.

Holding the vine, she stepped foot on it and crawled up until she had a nice viewpoint.

Below her on the street, a few vampires and werewolves are fighting. But the thing is, the vampires and werewolves are fighting together against three vampires.

From what she could decipher, the three vampires look like a family. And more stranger is none of them are rogues. There eyes clear, there smell as that of a vampire and werewolf, they all look normal. Then why is this abnormal behaviour?

Deciding to investigate further, willow sat back, watching the fight. She would have interrupted though they are vampires because they are a family. But the bigger group that has both species are not using any weapons or powers to kill them. They just want to subdue them.

But why? What will they do with them? And where the hell is the patroller? Why is no one responding to the commotion. Vampires have great hearing. Surely, someone would hear them.

Without breaking sweat, the big group successfully bound the vampires and led them to the car that was nearby.

Oh no. She can't loose them. Willow promptly dropped to the ground and followed them at great speed. She almost missed them, but she kept the car on sight barely. Competing with an automobile even for fae is a challenge.

Thankfully, the car took a turn and drove on a single path. Sensing she might miss the lead, Willow broke the car window of a nearby car and started it by sparking the wires.

Muttering an apology to the owner of the car under her breath, Willow put foot on the accelerator, not wanting to loose them. She cut off the head lights and followed them at a distance.

Soon, the car slowed down and stopped at the entrance of a building. No, it looked more like a warehouse of sorts.

Willow cut off the engine and keeping note of vampires hearing in mind, sat still. Only once they all went inside the warehouse with the vampire family bound and dragged along, does she relaxed.

She then crept out of the car and put her hand on the nearest tree. As expected, the tree showed the similar images just like this. So, this is not the first time, Willow mused.

She searched for the nearest window that would conceal her and would help her in viewing what's going inside.

Finding the perfect tree for her spying, Willow looped her leg on the vine just like before and perched on one of the branches.

She couldn't see anything from this angle. She presumed she must be inside to know what's going on as any sane vampire won't let on full display anything in the direct line of sunlight that would peek from the window.

She waited patiently for the group that captured the family to exit the building. After what felt like 1 hour, the group finally left but not before quickly scanning the premises once again.

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