chapter 1- Ryley King

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Fair Warning ⚠ I don't edit, I spell a lot of stuff wrong, I write one handed on my phone while multi tasking lol, I probably didn't use every Avengers character or didn't talk about some enough but meh

This book focuses on mostly Ryley, Loki, Tony and Bucky, winteriron being like a sub plot, if you don't like that then, oops?

3rd person pov

As always ryley woke up with a slightly annoyed sigh, she got up and went into her bathroom and took in her tired and drained appearance

Her deep brown hair was messy and a bit shiny indicating that she needed to wash it again

And her blue green eyes showed how tired and drained she was from lack of sleep

She sighed softly then tied her hair into a messy bun, threw on the same thing she wore yesterday, put on her glasses and went to work in her personal lab

She had to fix up her motorcycle because the engine busted, she decided to alter some other things too

She didn't plan on going to college but if she had she would've gone into engineering like her dad, or maybe psychology so she could help people, well let's be honest, she's the child of tony stark she would've done both and passed with perfect scores

But sadly she didn't feel fit for greatness so she didn't try

It's only been 4 years since her and tony met, but shes still barely changed from the shy innocent and broken girl she was


The young 15 year old entered stark tower and went to the front desk, her dark brown hair was short and self cut, she had bruises covering her exposed arms and her clothes weren't the nicest

"Excuse me miss?" Ryley asked shyly to the lady at the desk

"Yes? Do you have an appointment?" The lady asked her eyes looked ryley up and down curiously but she didn't show any judgement she only kindly smiled and did her job

"Uhm i- I was told that uhm- t-tony- er Mr stark- was my uhm dad- could I maybe talk to someone who can talk to him? Or something?" Ryley asked nervously, her mother told ryley nearly a year ago that she was the product of a one night stand with the genius, ryley believed her as her and tony did look similar but then again she wasn't sure

And the last thing she wanted was to be taken as a liar by tony stark himself, but she knew if he was her biological father, he's the only one who could help her

The lady, who's name badge said "Naomi Moore" Only smiled kindly and nodded

"Ill contact Ms Potts" Naomi said then buzzed peppers office and explained the situation when she answered

"Okay will do Ms Potts" Naomi nodded then got up

"I'll take you towards the lobby, and that's where Ms Potts will meet you, okay?" Naomi asked the shy girl

Ryley nodded and then Naomi took her through an entry into the main lobby before going back to her desk

After a bit pepper made her way into view, her black heels clicking as she walked, instantly gaining ryleys attention once she was close

"So, what's your name?" Pepper asked barely looking up

Normally she would asked the supposed child of tony stark was few questions, realize they were only a fan and send them on their way

But when the blonde looked up to see the female, softer, less confident version of a young tony stark she decided a bit more then a few questions was going to have to be done

"Ry-Ryley King, my mom's Annalisa King, the uh ex reporter" Ryley said

"Well Ms ryley it's nice to meet you, can you come with me?" Pepper asked softly

Ryley nodded and stood up to follow the blonde

Pepper had taken her to a small lab and explained that they were going to run a DNA test, with ryleys consent of course

Ryley agreed and that's what they did, considering this was a stark tower lab they got the results back within a few hours and pepper almost gasped when she read the results

This was in fact tony starks biological daughter-

End of chapter 1, chapter 2 will contain the rest of the flashback

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