Chapter 6

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Marcos POV:
I walk through the front door, My shoes clicking every move.

I see Linda my cook in the kitchen cleaning plates.

"Hello Linda do you happen to know where Quinn is?" I question her while leaning on the counter top.

"Yes sir I believe she went out to the pool." Linda pointed out.

"Ok thank you" I thank her before walking towards the back door hoping she didn't try to escape.

I open the back door and walk out to the pool and see Quinn in a lingerie lace set getting out of the pool with all of my guards eyes on her.

I see her notice me and her face pale.

"What the fuck are you guys looking at turn around!" I scold at my guards making them instantly turn their heads.

I walk over to the towels then to Quinn and cover her with the towel before dragging her inside towards her room.

I pull her up the stairs and open her bedroom door before pulling her into it.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" I snap at her making her look down.

"I wanted to go swimming but see I didn't pack any swim suits." She admitted shifting on her feet like she always does.

"Goddamnit Quinn half of the guards saw you! You could have just asked for some swimsuits and my people would have bought you some!" I seethed running my hands through my hair.

"Sorry." She apologizes and I notice she's shivering.

"Whatever go change your freezing." I say before walking out of the room closing the door behind me.

I continue to walk to my office with thoughts banging through my head.

Why would she do that? Why didn't she just ask me for one? I know I might have kidnapped her but that doesn't mean I want her to suffer the whole time she's here.

Quinn's POV:
I didn't mean to anger him I just wanted to go for a swim I know I could have asked someone for a swimsuit but I don't know anyone here.

Marco wasn't even here so I couldn't ask him and I was really bored and my impulsive mind told me to do it.

I don't think it's that big of a deal but Marco certainly did.

I pick out a dark blue sweater and some black leggings before changing and sitting down on my bed and turning on the tv.

(45 minutes later)
I've been watching tv for over half a hour and I'm hungry again.

I cut off the tv and get up from the bed and open my door to head towards the kitchen.

Walking down many hallways I finally reach the kitchen and stroll in seeing the nice old lady from this morning!

"Hi again!" I greeted her with a smile on my face.

"Hello dear are you hungry?" She questions while wiping off the counters.

"Yep can I have chicken nuggets if that's possible?" I asked not wanting to feel like a burden.

"Of course dear I'll have them out in about 7 minutes you can take a seat while you wait." She suggested before walking into the kitchen.

"Ok thank you!" I yelled making sure she heard me before sitting down and playing with my blue sleeves.

Marco's POV:
I'm sitting in my office signing some papers for my shipments.

I finally finish and push my chair away from the desk and lean back and stretch before getting up and exiting my office.

I knock on Quinn's door but she doesn't answer so I try again before opening the door and walking in too she her gone.

I walk out of her room and close the door back before checking the back yard but there's no sign of her.

I head towards the kitchen and I can hear laughter erupting in there.

I walk into the kitchen to see Quinn and Linda laughing with each other while Quinn's eats what I think is nuggets.

I walk over towards them and they both look at me.

"Hello sir." Linda politely says with a smile.

"Hi Linda." I say back before shifting my gaze towards Quinn who was in a dark blue sweater and some regular black leggings that fit her perfectly.

"hi." Quinn commented before shoving a chicken nugget in her mouth.

I chuckle at her acts and snatch one of them.

"Hey give that back!" She yells trying to grab it but fails because I push it into my mouth.

"Too late." I tease before my phone interrupts the conversation causing me to curse under my breath.

"I have to take this." I mumble before walking into the hallways towards my office.

"What the fuck do you want." I snarled while tapping my fingers on my desk.

"S-sorry boss but during the shipment pick up a man was killed and had a n-note attached to his b-body." One of my man stuttered out.

"Ok what did it say goddamnit?" I scowl at him growing inpatient.

"It s-said "red really is her color isn't it?" And it was s-signed by a letter k s-sir." He croaked out.

I throw my phone against my whole making it shatter into thousands of pieces in the process.

This fucker is using Quinn too get to me.

And it's working.

Sheesh who do you guys think k is?

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