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Kristen's perspective
Ugh.. I really don't need another jerk in our school. I've had just enough with dealing with troublemakers like him. Sure, he's hot, handsome, whatever.. but that does not at all define him. I worry how this detention is going to end up like.
Out of Kristen's perspective
Kristen enters the classroom where detention is being held. Suddenly, she feels someone pull her hair. "Holy shit! Can you not do that, please?" Kristen turns around and see's Müller. "Oh, of course it's you." Kristen rolls her eyes. "What, are you disappointed?" Müller smirks. "Yes, actually. I am. I'm not looking forward to spending an hour with you in detention." Kristen tells him, annoyingly. "Sure, sure. Take a seat, Kristy. I'm going to be on my best behaviour! Pinky promise!" Müller laughs. "Can you just, not talk to me? Go on your phone, or something. Text with girls — probably what you do on your free time." Kristen giggles. "Okay, I will do that. Can I get your number?" Müller willingly asks her. "What the hell? Why would I do that?" Kristen asks him. "Well... did you not just tell me to text with girls? That's what I was about to do. So.. give me your number. Your wish is my command.." Müller smirks at her. "You'll never stop annoying me, will you? It's 647-734-2678." Kristen gives her number to Müller. "Oh, wow. I'll be annoying you after school, don't you worry, Kristy." Müller jokes around. "Will you stop with that nickname, please?!" Kristen asks. "Maybe if you beg, then sure I will." Müller eyes her. "Jerk.." Kristen mumbles. "Hey, what did I say about calling me that? Man, you're makin' me tear up. Take it back!" Müller rolls his eyes. "Okay, enough. There's still 30 minutes left of class, and you're still bugging me with crap. Please, do something else." Kristen begs. "As you wish, dame." (Lady in German.)
Müller pulls out a cigarette in front of her, and lights it.

Kristen coughs at the smoke

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Kristen coughs at the smoke. "When I said do something else, I did not mean that. Please, put that away. I don't want my lungs to be all gross as yours is." Kristen scoffs. Müller purposely blows the smoke in her face. "Man, stop that! You're getting on my nerves. Thank God only 5 minutes are left for detention. If I stayed here for another minute I think I would kill myself." Kristen blurts out. "Sorry, Kristy. I love annoying you, so cute. And you wait, I'll be messaging you soon enough after school.
The english professor opens the door. "Times up. I'm surprised you too haven't murdered each other. You're free to go to your next class." The english professor laughs. "Till next time, Kristy." Müller says as he walks out of the door.
Kristen's perspective
I can't with this new german kid. He gets on my nerves so damn bad. But, why am I enjoying this? God, I need to get this out of my head. I think I should just call a sick day because seriously, this kid gives me such a headache. I wonder If he'll actually message me after school.
10 minutes later
"Hey, principal. I have such a terrible headache, I really feel like puking. I can't continue school. Can you please let me go home?"
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. You absolutely can. Here, take the phone and you can call home." The secretary offers the phone.
I really don't want to talk to my mom at the moment — because, you know, what happened yesterday. But, anything to let me go home.. right?
"Hey, mom. I feel terribly sick. I need to go home desperately. Don't wait up for me. Thanks!"
I hung up right before she was able to even say anything.
As I left the school, I decided to go to the convenience store right across the school to get some food. Man, I was starving.
I really am in the mood for a hotdog and a chocolate milkshake.. That sounds so good right now...
This is when I lost my appetite, though. I saw Müller buying cigarettes. Even though he was only 17, he could definitely pass as a 19 year old.
I'm turning around, and leaving right now.
Out of Kristen's perspective
"Hey, Kristy!" Müller calls out to her. Kristen pretends to ignore him, and walks through the door.
"Hey.. stop ignoring me! Look, I'm sorry we started kind of at a rocky start. Can I at least walk you home, Kristen?" Müller offered.

Müller was actually showing his soft side

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Müller was actually showing his soft side. "Sure.. that would be nice, actually. You aren't that much of a jerk, I suppose." Kristen smiles. "Oh, don't get used to this. I just feel bad." Müller smirks at her. She rolls her eyes in response.
10 minutes of walking later..
"Hey, thanks for this." Kristen told him. "Oh, no problem. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Stay safe, Kristy." Müller waves his goodbyes.
Kristens perspective
Now that I'm home, I can chill, relax, on my bed — finally. As I opened the door, I unfortunately had been welcomed by.. my father?
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I cry out.

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