Dad's home?

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Kristen observed her father in front of the door. He reeked of alcohol, and acted suspicious. As if he was hiding something.
"Get out of our fucking house, Michael." Kristen crossed her arms. "Why don't you call me dad, hunny? Stop being so rude to me!" Her dad hissed. "Dad, you're so fucking drunk — you have no idea what you're talking about... and, you'll never be my dad. Do you know how much pain you have caused us? How heartbroken mom was? You wouldn't know, because you're a careless bitch who doesn't give one fuck about their family. So, I won't repeat myself. Step away, get the fuck away from us, and let me get in my damn house." Kristen was furious. As her dad spoke, she completely ignored him, and looked under his arm, peeking into the house. "Okay, shut up. Why the fuck is mom wearing lingerie on the couch? Christ... don't tell me you had sex in our home." Her father just froze, day dreaming. "I'm going to call 911 if you don't leave our damn house, Michael." Kristen threatened. "Kristen, I don't want to hurt you.." Kristen backed away. " I swear , Michael. If you lay one finger on me, you'll wish you never came here. So, I suggest you get back in your fucking car, go home, and leave before the cops come." Michael stayed there with a bottle of wine in his hands. "I warned you." Kristen started to dial 911. "Hi, yes. A crazy man is at my home, and he's drunk. He won't leave my home and my family alone. Okay, thanks so much." Kristen hung up the call with the police. "C'monn Kristen.... you didn't have to do that did you? You were my sweet girl... what happened to you?" Her father dropped the bottle of wine. " Step the fuck away. And, what happened to me? What the hell happened to you? You're this arrogant, careless, bitch who decides to bang my mom, who is probably drunk. Holy shit, you're an even bigger bitch then when you left us!" Her dad's fists started to clench. "Oh... poor you! Is this making you mad? Furious? Well, I hope it fucking does because you never deserved to be with a family like ours." Kristen yelled.
   The cops have pulled into their driveway. "Sir, put your hands behind your head. You have the right to remain silent."
    Kristen watched the cops take her father into the police car and exhaled a sigh of relief.
Kristen's perspective
I was furious this night. I can't believe my mom actually allowed him into our home. The worst part is, she knew how much I despised my father and how I never wanted to see him. But what did I see when I came to my house after school? I was welcomed with my drunk father, who banged my drunk mother. I'm going to have a serious fucking chat with my mom. She crossed the line this time.
"Mom. Get on some fucking clothes, and meet me downstairs when you're dressed." I demanded.
She was so drunk, she didn't even reply. She just did as I asked.
About 3 minutes later, I see my mom coming down the stairs with baggy grey sweatpants and a baggy white T-shirt. "Mom, care to explain why dad was here?"
"Ahahaha.... what?? Who?" My mother was clearly drunk.
"I can't believe I'm doing this, but i'm bringing you upstairs to bed. But don't think this is over. Tomorrow morning, I'm having a serious fucking chat with you, and I don't give a damn if you're hung over."
I stomped to my room. I slumped on my bed, and placed my face in my hands. From now, I started to ball my eyes out. I was never a type if person to cry, but this really got to me. I mean, my mother being brainwashed by this sick dick? My father coming to our home after 15 years? Fucking sickening. I need some support right now.
   I started to scroll through my contacts, looking who I could talk to. I would talk to Ruth, but I'm sure shes sick of me always talking about my problems, especially with my mom. So, I probably shouldn't bother her. I kept on scrolling and scrolling and one name caught my eye. Müller. Why has his name caught my eye? I really don't know, and I'm not sure if its right for me to be doing this..
Kristen: hey. u awake?
Müller: miss me already? 😉
Kristen: haha... very funny..
Müller: okay well, wsp?
Kristen: i honestly don't know why i'm messaging you, but I just wanted to talk with someone.
Müller: why are you deciding to talk to me when I'm such a "trouble maker"
Kristen: listen german boy, can we please talk? I don't want to talk to Ruth right now because I always bother her with my problems. i just need a friend right now..
Müller: oooouhhh.... so we're friends now? ;)
Kristen: holy shit Müller. stop playing around it's serious! can we please facetime?
Müller: ye sure lol
Kristen "❤️" Müller's message at 12:03 am

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