The morning after

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Kristen began to rub her eyes with a massive hangover after the night out "Fuck.. I feel like shit." Kristen put her hand on her temples, rubbing them, looking at her surroundings.
"I should probably make something to eat. Thank God it's Saturday.." Kristen sighed.
"You reek of alcohol Kristen." Her sister told her. "Suck it up. It's not any different from mom anyways, is it?" Kristen opened the cabinet and slumped a plate on their table.
"Okay.. well, what are you eating?" Beth asked. "Just a bagel and coffee. After that, I'm going to my room." Kristen replied.

"God, I feel terrible

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"God, I feel terrible. I don't even remember last night." Kristen told herself.
Kristen put down her bagel and pulled out her phone from her pocket to message Ruth.

Ruth ✊🏻😮‍💨
Kristen : yo Ruth, I have a craaazzyy hangover from last night
Ruth: ugh, same. I feel terrible honestly
Ruth: OMG! before I forget... 😉
Kristen: oh god, what is it
Ruth: wtf do u mean what is it? you and Müller had a big smooch last night?!

Kristen's eyes began to widen — literally.

Kristen: what..? that's impossible, I don't remember any of that??!
Ruth: to be fair, you were crazy drunk. but seriously, how could you forget a kiss with that German
Kristen: Jesus.. I need to comprehend this lol. can we meet up rn at Jimmy's coffee?
Ruth: for sure

Kristen and Ruth met up for coffee to talk about this ... scandal.
Kristen was waiting at one of the seats, tapping her feet waiting for Ruth.
rattle rattle
The noise of the chain from the opening door had Kristen look up and Ruth catches her eye, so she waved to her.
"Sit the fuck down Ruth. That shit you told me over TEXT is giving me so much anxiety right now. I mean, how could I have done that? I hardly know this guy." Kristen holds her breath. "I know man. I'm sorry! I had to say it over text, I was too damn excited!" Ruth laughs while Kristen just stares. "Ahem.. Sorry. Anyways, my eyes do not deceive me Kristen. I know what I saw!" "Ruth, you were literally drunker than me, shaking' your booty all around. How can you remember that but I can't?" Kristen exclaims. "I really did that..? Yikes. And well, I still remember stuff when I'm drunk. It's weird but remember I always remember everything, even when I'm drunk!" Ruth rolls her eyes dramatically.
Kristen started to breath uncontrollably. "Jesus Kristen, relax! What's the big deal?" Ruth held her back. "What the hell do you mean? This is a huge deal! I kissed a guy, and we are only friends! How can I face him after this?" "Well.. if it makes you feel better, you didn't remember anything until I told you. So, it's a possibility he doesn't even remember!" Ruth brushes it off. "Müller is not me! Not everyone is the same!" Kristen lands her face in her palms. " I didn't say he is. I said there it a possibility!" Ruth points her finger up. "Just maybe ask him if he remembers anything about the party last night. If he doesn't, there's nothing to worry about." Ruth waves her hand. "And if he does remember...?" Kristen states at her. "Well, then your screwed." Ruth shrugs. "Anyway, I have to get going. Message me if you need anything!" Ruth brushes dust off of her and makes her way out of the door, leaving Kristen.
Later that day
"Should I just message him? I'll just message him. Screw it!" Kristen told herself, slumped on her bed.
German boy 🤰🏻
Kristen: hey! Do you remember anything from last night? like, at all
Müller : Hmm.. let me think about it.
Müller: No, not that I recall.
Kristen: oh, alright.. thanks.
Müller: No problem... uh, wanna hang out ?I'm really bored.
Kristen: for sure. I'll be there in ten minutes
                           German boy🤰🏻 read at 10:20 pm
Oh, God. What now?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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