Chapter 57 | Welcome back

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Mia's POV

What is it about the beach; the ocean, that helps us be so at peace. It's therapeutic for me, it's like it understands me. It talks to me. Nature is a beautiful gift. 

I was sitting on the edge of a high cliff staring down at the endless blue sea disappearing along the horizon as the sun was about to set.

I'm finally at peace. I thought.

No more pain...

"How... gorgeous,"

My eyes widened and my body swiftly turned to my left where I heard the voice come from.

"Gr..." I hesitated, "Amá."

"Hi mi niña,"

My eyes watered up, "How..."

"Baby, you don't have much time."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't think you were actually going to stay up here with me, right?"


"It's not your time yet Mia,"

I looked down, "I just wanted to be at peace."

"I know, but you can't lose this fight. Your peace is at the end mi niña. Believe it or not, you have already reached it."

I looked up at her.

"Now go on and get back. This is only the start to a new chapter in your life," she gestured to look behind us.

There was that unfamiliar yet familiar figure that I haven't seen in a while.

The masked man.

"But grandma—" I tried saying, but as soon as I averted my attention to where my grandmother was once before, she was not there anymore.

Oddly, I stood up and went straight towards him. It felt like the right thing to do.

I stopped in my tracks when he held out his hand. I took one last look at the setting sun until it disappeared behind the horizon.

I turned back to him and grabbed his hand.

He reached for his mask and finally exposed his frames.

It was.... you?...

My eyes shot wide open.


Narrator POV

"Excuse me nurse, where can I find the patient Mia Rose?"

"Mia Rose...?" She took a look at her paperwork. "She should be in room 134–"

"I've already checked that room, she's not there."

"Oh that's odd, let me double check." She skimmed her computer. "Oh, that's right! She got moved to the other side of the building,"

"Why's that?"

"Well considering all her visitors we wanted to provide a bigger room since the one she was at was much smaller."

"Ohh," he realized.

"Yes son, sorry about that."

"No worries, what's the room number?"


"Thank you,"

He walked down the opposite hallway where she was at before. Her room was right around the corner.

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