Chapter 59 | Food poisoning

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Mia's POV

It has been about a month since I have been discharged from the hospital and already so much has happened.

I phoned my parents and finally found out about the condition I never knew I had. Also about my grandmothers Will. Apparently she had left it for me, and only my mother and I were the ones who knew how to get a hold of it. My mother couldn't do it though.

Only my voice could.

My dad ended up recovering as well. I told them most of what happened. The truth why I came to Korea, not too detailed though just so they wouldn't worry.

As for Jackson and my family, they aren't behind bars yet, but soon enough they will definitely be. There is too much evidence.

DJ Khaled offered me a job working nextside the boys. I had turned him down at first but he ended up working something out with me. He offered to partner with agencies that helped abandoned orphans and half our share would go to them. Including me investing my grandmother's Will into it.

But I only lasted a few days working by their side because Taehyung was getting way too distracted.

I asked to be put in a different department so it wouldn't occur anymore.

Boy was I wrong.

"I told you I could of driven myself."

"You literally vomited out the window on our way here."


He rolled his eyes at me.

"Miss Rose?"

"Yes." I got up from my chair, all woozy.

"Your results came in, why don't you come on in and take a seat inside."

The nice nurse gestured for me to follow her into the examination room.

"You might want to come in too sir." She looked at Taehyung.

Confused, Taehyung proceeded.

I sat on the patient bed and Taehyung on the stool. Shortly after, the doctor came in.

"Well Doc... How bad is the poisoning?" I said holding my hand to my mouth about to throw up again.

"Well you see Miss Mia, it isn't food poisoning," he made a disturbing face.

"Then what is it? I had raw fish though...? Oh my god am I gonna die!?" I started to panic.

"No, of course not." He laughed.

"Then how do I get rid of the pain?" I asked, still puzzled.

"Oh, I think you're going to have to live with it," he side smiled at me.


"Well, for the next few months at least."

Taehyung and I looked at each other confused. "What...?"

He finally showed me the paper in his hands.

"...You're pregnant, sweetheart." He smiled.

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!" My soul left my body that very second. "WHAAT!"

I looked over at Taehyung. He was as spooked as me, but I could see a little smile forming on his face.

Still, this is absurd!


I could tell the doctor was not expecting my reaction. "I take you haven't been pregnant before—?"

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