Chapter 30 | Values

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Namjoon's POV

Dinner was quiet without Taehyung. We came back to the dorm, but he's still locked inside his room.

I knocked again.

"We're going to be leaving shortly to the airport, maybe on the way there we can stop by—"


The door opened revealing the black underneath his eyes and the smile hiding all his pain.

"I'm ready, let's go!"

He passed right by me, not even giving me a second glance.


I can't stand seeing him like this, he's not his normal happy-childish self. I'm extremely worried.

I didn't want to bother him, it seems only time can heal him at the moment.

I was about to walk back to the living room but I saw that Taehyung had forgotten his phone on his nightstand.

Without a second thought I went and grabbed it seeing he was already out of sight.

I looked for her name.


I got her number and put it in my phone just a second before Taehyung called for me.

"Hyunggg have you seen my ph—"

"Yeah here, you're always leaving it everywhere." I interrupted him while shoving it in his chest and walking past him.

"Oh haha, thanks Hyung!"

I pulled out my phone.

"You all ready?" Yoongi asked.

"Yup, let's hit it."

We all left the dorm and got on transport.


Me: Hello Mia, this is Namjoon.
Can we talk?


Mia's POV

I got off of work early today because somehow nosey ass Nico found out I was doing homework with a boy so he told me to leave.

Rude ass.

As I was grabbing my last book I heard Hyungwon.


I told him I could've driven wherever we were meeting at myself but he insisted on picking me up. Now, I was about to put up my fight like always, but his little smart ass said he was already 5 minutes away.

I grabbed my coat and keys and headed outside.

Alex and Julie went to go pick up Julie's niece since she stayed over last night. She said her sister was pretty pissed lol.

This is my first time going out with a boy in years. I try not to think of it in that term because it really isn't anything more than just studying, but those stupid thoughts keep coming to my head which is now making me a nerve wreck.

So, I tripped.


Oh shuckss

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | втѕ ƒƒOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora