Chapter 14 | him

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Mia's POV

"Just stir it genius!" I shouted back at him as I reached the door to my room.

(Incoming call Day 1 Hoe💛)

"Jeller," I answered.

"Mia! Where are you?" I could hear the worry in her voice.

What the hell happened?

"I'm home, why?"

"Listen," she paused, "I know you hate touching this topic, but it's about you know who."

I stopped for a moment.

"W-What about him..." my voice started getting shaky.

"Mia..." she sighed, "...he knows."

"W-w-what what does he know?!" My heart stopped, I felt like I couldn't breathe, I couldn't lift a muscle. I was choking on my own words.

"That you left..."

I tried catching my breath and gulped.

"... i-is that all?"

"I hope so," she sighed again. "But he's trying to look for you."

"How'd you find out?"

"His social media's, I guess he dumped his fiancée because he still isn't over you. But we all know that's total bs... and well your family—"

"—Of course" I cut her off. "They always have to add more fuel to the fire."

"... exactly"

It's not any news, they always find the smallest things to try and make my life miserable.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me," I tried to sound convincing.

Truth is, I'm scared. Of what he'll do to find me, he's capable of doing whatever it takes. And having them on his side is worse than a nightmare. But I have to stay strong no matter what.

"Mia listen, if you want to stay with me you know you're always welcome."

"Yeah I know Julie thank you, but you know I can't leave the house alone."

"That's more of a reason to stay over here, because YOU'RE ALONE!"

"Aishh I can take care of myself soy chingona (I'm a badass)!"

"Aja whatever, I still don't like the idea of you being by yourself."

"Actually about that," I let out a nervous chuckle "I'm not indeed alone..."

Here come the screams


"Yes and yes, ay Julie! Why you always gotta scream right in my ear!" I said pulling the phone away.

As I did that I looked at my phone and saw an unfamiliar number that had sent me a couple messages.

"Mmmmmmmm what y'all DOIN HUH!??!" There her nosey ass goes again.

"Wait Juls," I scrolled through the messages, "a private number texted me."

"Huh? Really? What does it say?"

I read her the text messages.

"Block the number Mia."

"Already did," I said as I blocked the unrecognized number. "Do you think it might be him? How the hell did he get my number!?"

"Who knows. Honestly we can both take a guess at who and how,"

It wasn't even a question, Jackson had his ways about everything. Of course he'd never tell me, but I knew they were never good to begin with.

"True," I sighed.

"Aish nena, please be careful,"

"I will mom don't worry," I said jokingly.

"Hey don't call me mom you're taking years away from me and we're the same age you beech...!"

"Haha okay fine, but I gotta go, I left a man child stirring el chocolate!"

"Ay dios (oh god), yeah go! But Mia, I'm glad you're giving this guy a chance, even if you did swore off men and falling in love again."

"It's not giving a chance Juls, just doing a good deed that's all," I chuckled a bit.

"Well that's not what it sounds like to me, I mean you got him cooking for you in YOUR HOUSE, yeah try and fool others, you're only fooling yourself mami."

I sighed. "Hmm... I don't know..."

"Don't try to deny it, it's okay to change your mind, I just want you to be happy. Like I said before, not every guy is like Jackson, Mia. Just give it time and the right one will come to you. Hell, he might even be right in front of your face and you wouldn't even realize it considering your oblivious ass."

"Ugh okay, I guess you're right... thanks Juls," I smiled.

"No problem, and hey I want all the juicy details later eh!!"

"Haha estás pendeja (you're stupid) there are no juicy details about nada!"

"Bitch I will come to your house right n—"

"Okay, okay geez I'll tell you when we hangout!"

"Okay pues (alright then), I'll talk to you later."

"K byeee,"

"Oh and make sure to use condoms!!"


"Oh wait actually never mind don't, I want some sobrinos (nieces/nephews) already!"


I hung up not even giving her a chance to speak back, she's so wild I swear.

I have to be extra careful now, especially since I am alone. That's what sucked, yeah V was here with me, but that's only for today.

What the hell does he want to do with me now?


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