Chapter 31 | Nam-who?

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Mia's POV


"Who is it?" Hyungwon was curious.

I covered the phone, "oh... it's my brother I'll be right back," I avoided his eyes.

I walked outside and put the phone back on my ear.

"Okay, who are you?" I asked puzzled.

"Namjoon. I'm one of Taehyung's brothers, I need to talk to you. And boy was he right when he said you suck at replying."



"Ohhh— well look, unless he's dying I don't want anything to do with him. I'm sorry but I have to go—"

"Then just listen. Whatever you want to do with this information I'm about to give you is on you, but this is important."

I sighed, "...okay"

"Taehyung is not okay— no, he's terrible."

There was a sharp pain in my chest. "...So?"

"Do you really not have at least the smallest sympathy in you to feel a little bad?"

"He'll be fine," I scoffed, "he will find something else and get over it, it's not like I actually meant anything to him anyway."

I can't believe the words that are coming out of my mouth, who am I? But it's for his own good, he needs to get over this.

I heard him laugh in disbelief, "are you kidding me? He would not shut up about you. Sure at first we only thought it was a silly crush, but it wasn't. He says it's nothing deep, but from what I can see he's genuinely into you. Now, he's all broken inside because he thinks he fucked up. He's blaming himself because you hate him."

My phone almost hit the cold concrete floor but I caught it just a second before it did.

"O...h" I didn't know how to respond, now I feel like someone just ran a knife threw my neck. The words were getting caught in my throat and I felt like I was losing air.

Why? Why did I have to encounter this sweet, innocent boy? He doesn't deserve what I'm putting him through, I don't deserve him at all. I already feel so disgusted at how I'm acting so fake about this, all I wanna do is tell him he will be okay, just not with me by his side.

"He hasn't been eating regularly and he's lacking sleep, it's affecting our practices and his health condition. If you actually knew him which I know you do, you know this isn't even a pinch of his personality. And I know I don't know you personally, but if Taehyung says you have a good heart, then I believe him. And a silly feeling in me hopes you make the right choice, but I'm not you and I can't think or make decisions for you."

"I-I can't do anything about it, I can't get close to him Bamboo!"

"Bamboo?— it's Namjoon! Anyway, what do you mean?"

"Ugh whatever, I ... I can't explain it. Just know that me getting close to him is only going to hurt him more." I sighed, "you sound smart, so cope with me here, it's for his own good, I hope you can understand. This encounter was nothing more than an accident. We both come from different worlds, a friendship was never meant to be and wouldn't ever work out. I'm nothing more than a student in debt with a bunch of continuous problems and he's nothing but a celebrity already busy with so much on his plate."

"You don't get it do you?"

"I just don't understand why it had to be me—"

"—I don't see what he saw in you." He humphed, "sure there are others who are better looking, have more money, and are certainly more nicer."

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