chapter 3

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You woke up and you didn't remembered much. You tried to find the bathroom but instead you walked in Arizona's room.

Arizona was still asleep so you walked out, the floor made a loud noise and you heard Arizona's voice.

"Y/N?" she said with a tired voice. "Arizona sorry the floor-" you couldn't finish your sentence, "Don't worry about it I had to wake up soon from now." "Can you show me where the bathroom is?" "Of course sure!"

You walked up to the bathroom together. Your hands touched each other as you walked. You could feel the tension between you two.

"Are you almost done?" "Yeah just a minute!" as you yelled trough the bathroom door.

About an hour later Arizona asked what you wanted for breakfast. "Just some cereal, i'm not very hungry and I should go home soon." "Cereal it is. It's really no bother having you here, I have to go to work in about 2 hours I can drop you off home on my way to work?" "That's fine I quess, where do you work?" "Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital i'm a pediatric surgeon." you looked up and said nothing for a minute.

"You okay?" she asked. "Yeah no i'm fine just a headache." Arizona didn't know you were gonna work at Grey Sloan. You didn't know why you didn't wanna tell her.

"So where do you work?" you decided to tell her that you transferred to Grey Sloan. "Eum I transferred to Grey Sloan, i'm a second year resident." she looked at you with confused eyes. "Really, that's eum cool I guess, you know your specialty yet?" "Yeah neuro." "Amelia from last night, she's head of neuro." "Wow she seems fun." you said but she didn't respond.

When it was time for Arizona to go to work you sat with her in the car in the front seat.

"So you got a boyfriend?" "Excuse me?" as you said with a sarcastic tone. "I mean it's a common question right?" "Yeah it is, and the answer is no I don't have a boyfriend. Do you?" "Nah never had one." Arizona answered. "Really never?" "No its because i'm gay." you looked up with big eyes and didn't really know what to say.

"You can stop right here." Arizona stopped the car and you walked out. "Well I'll see you around I quess." "Yeah, I'll see you around." You said.

As you walked away from the car you heard Arizona's voice, "Hey Y/N, do you wanna go to this new movie with me tonight?" You felt this feeling of joy in your stomach as you quickly responded. "Yes seems fun!" "I'll pick you up at 7 that's alright?" "Sure yeah!"

You waved Arizona goodbye as she drove away. The thought of Arizona and you being alone at the movies made you more exited then ever. "Did she asked me out on a date?" You said to yourself.

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