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Another day is upon me,
Time to carry out the daily conformity
And socialize with others my very best.
It's not something I'd normally undertake,
But to be normal I acquiesce.

I've failed my task before starting.
Stopping merely after nothing is disheartening.
Parting ways with myself, beginning the test,
Only to fail despite how much progress I make.
I know of this fate, yet I last nonetheless.

The only motive to keep me going,
To carry on and keep from slowing,
Is reminded by the silvery, pleasant melody
I keep in my ears, eclipsing the malign,
Full of pleasant emotions and memories.

So, fate, come at me all you want
And try your very best to taunt.
No matter how much I'll have to endure
The scathing, I'll always be fine;
When I have my music, I'm truly free.

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