2~amos diggory

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~Lavender Evans POV~

We've been back in school for a little over a week now.

It's Wednesday of our second week, and this year has been busy to say the least.

I'm in my third class of the day, trying to keep up with the notes Slughorns throwing at us in potions, and I'm suddenly regretting all my life choices.

At least I understand the notes though, so that means I'll get the assignment tonight.

The bell rang before I knew it, and everyone started packing up their things.

"Hey, I didn't understand anything he just said, is there any chance you'd be willing to help me with the assignment tonight, my dorm after next period?" Tonks asked

"Sure, I found it fairly simple, see you then" I said

"Is there any chance I can join you guys on that? I'm lost" Peter said

"If it's good with her I'm good with it" I said

"Yeah, we can just study in the common room instead of my dorm, I'll meet you guys there after next period" She said before she walked away.

I had ancient ruins next, so the class is fairly complex. I at least had Lupin in it though, so I didn't have to be alone.

I walked into the room, and found my seat at the front of the room next to Lupin.

"Hey how was Slughorns class?" He asked

"Boring" I said

"You always think his class is boring" He said

"Not as boring as this one" I said

"At least this is somewhat academically challenging" He said

"Fair" I said

"Okay everyone, let's get started" The professor said.

I'm not sure how Lupin convinced me to take this class but some days I wish he didn't. The professor always thinks I'm zoning out and calls on me to answer questions, and is shocked when I know the answer.

Just common misogyny, anyways.

After what was a dreadingly long hour, I was on my way to the Hufflepuff common room.

I knocked on the painting with the badger handle and after a few seconds Tonks opened up the door.

"What class did you come from, I had to uphold awkward conversation with Pettigrew" She said

"Sorry, I had ancient ruins, he always lets out late" I said

Peter actually picked up the concept of what we were working on pretty fast, and with both of us explaining it to her in different ways, Tonks understood it a few minutes later.

With the assignment, it probably took us a little over two hours to finish everything up.

"Okay, the guys are probably wondering where I am, I should go" Peter said

"I'll walk with you, we're going to the same place anyways, later Tonks" I said

"Later Lav" She said.

Peter opened up the door for me, and the side of social anxiety I have panicked when I immediately walked into someone when I went through the doorway.

"I am so sorry" I said, not even looking at who I had walked into

"It's no worries, really, I'm at fault too, I didn't pay attention to where I was going" He said

"Oh, Amos, I haven't seen you in forever, how are you?" I asked as I helped him pick up his books.

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