5~love notes, dutch braids, and testing the waters

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(a/n: few weeks time jump, it's the night before Christmas break)

~Lavender Evans POV~

What can I say, the past few weeks have been pretty uneventful.

I was laying in bed reading, Dorcas had just gotten out of the shower, Mary was hanging out with a few of her Hufflepuff friends, and Lily was at her last tutoring session before break.

I was sucked into my book when Mary walked in the door.

"Hey, the guys are in the common room and pestering me about us coming down to hang out a little bit before break, you guys wanna go down for a few?" Mary asked

"I was gonna have Lav braid my hair but sure" Dorcas said as she stood up.

"So Lav?" Mary asked

"I'm good, I'm gonna hang out here and read for a little bit" I said

"You wanna do me a favor?" Dorcas asked

"Sure?" I asked

"Come down to the common room and braid my hair?" She asked

"Ugh fine you're lucky I love you" I said as I rolled out of bed.

A minute later we made it down to the common room.

James and Sirius were telling some story that Remus and Peter seemed oddly amused in.

"Where do you want me to go?" Dorcas asked

"Just somewhere on the floor so I can sit above you" I said

She walked in front of the couch and sat on the floor in a spot that happened to be next to James.

Which didn't matter to me too much, I just figured something was coming.

"Meadows, you realize there's plenty of seats, you don't have to sit on the floor" Sirius said

"Don't be a smartass, Lavs doing me a favor and braiding my hair so I don't have to try and tame it tomorrow" She said

Luckily after that they went back to their story.

All of them did seem oddly intrigued with the concept of dutch braiding though, but I mean, they're all guys without sisters or girlfriends, what did I expect?

~Lily Evans POV~

Did I intend for this to happen? Well, loaded question, at some point, yes, but right now? No.

I'll admit it, I've been trying to find a good way to talk to Amos since the night he first talked to Lavender.

I just wanted to see if I could tell for myself if he genuinely didn't remember her, or if that was a way of letting her down gently, in an extremely painful twaty way.

Would Lavender kill me if she knew I did this? Absolutely.

Do I regret it? A little bit, but I wouldn't change what I did.

Guess I should focus the fact now that I'm on my way back from my tutoring session and I ran into Amos Diggory, who was for once alone.

~Amos Diggory's POV~

I was walking back to my dorm when something cut out my thoughts.

"Hey, Diggory" I heard.

"Oh, hey Lily, what's up?" I asked

"Do you actually not remember her?" She asked

"What?" I asked

"Lavender, do you seriously not remember" She said

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