3~something about a bean?

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~Lavender Evans POV~

I woke up the next morning to the sun barley shining through the curtains. Who am I kidding, I'm always the first up in the mornings.

I'll be completly honest, I don't remember coming up here last night, I'm sort of on autopilot.

I walked into the bathroom and started to quickly run the straightener through my hair.

I'll admit that I straighten my hair a little too often, I just like my hair better straight then in curls.

When I came back out of the bathroom both Lily and Mary were up, Dorcas always sleeps as late as possible though, and I don't blame her.

Lily woke her up about 5 minutes before we were about to head down to the great hall, I'll never not be amused by how fast Dorcas can get ready.

It's also unfair that she can get ready in under five minutes and look good all day. Not fair in the slightest.

We made our way down to the dining hall and Marlene and the guys were already down there.

I sat with Lupin and started talking to him about the homework from ancient ruins last night, that I absolutely did, it totally won't be my study hall period today.

Luckily he explained it a little bit to me so I know it seems fairly easy.

Before I knew it the bell was ringing and I had to go to Divination.

"Okay everyone, we're gonna be working in partners today. Before anyone asks I have assigned them, and I'll announce that now" Our professor said.

Dear god I talk to no one in this class. But here's the worst part, knowing her, it'll be alphabetical.

"Okay, and it'll be, Abdella and Abramson, Cahall and Dane, Diggory and Evans, oh, my bad, Lavender Evans, and..."

Yeah that's what I figured. Today's really working in my favor isn't it?

I'll admit it, I let myself zone out for a minute until people started moving around the room.

I looked up and Amos was already walking towards me so I just stayed put.

"Quite the coincidence isn't it?" He joked, I nodded

"Shy?" He asked

"No, I just don't really talk to a lot of people" I said

"So, shy?" He joked

"I don't really know how to explain it" I said

"So... if I'm correct you have another sister other then Lily, right?" He said after a minute

"Yeah, Petunia" I said

"And what year is she in?" He asked

"Oh, she's not, shes muggle, both Lily and I were muggle-born, just an odd coincidence" I said

"Hmm, muggle-born twins, didn't know that was possible" He said

I didn't want to be rude, but I also didn't especially feel like talking to him.

Why is he suddenly interested in getting to know me?

And did he actually forget who I am, or is he pretending? Because if he's pretending it's a sick game to play, and he already knows all about Petunia.

He knows everything actually, he knows Lily and I have two muggle parents, he knows that Petunia resents us for it, he knows I try my best to just not step on anyone's toes, just, god I don't even want to think about this.

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