8~hockey and a fake rule (pt 2)

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~Lavender Evans POV~

We had probably five minutes til the end of practice and luckily it went smoothly, despite the fact that I was slightly distracted.

"Hey, Evans" I heard

I skated over to the other side of the rink where Andrew was standing.

Oh, yeah, Andrew, he's the person on shift right now, we've been good friends for a while.

"Whats up?" I asked

"Is there any chance you can stay til close tonight? I just got a call, I have a family thing going on, I have to run" He said

"Yeah, sure" I said

"Awesome, thank you, I owe you one" He said

"Don't mention it" I said

Did I just jump at the chance to stay here an extra hour and a half so that I don't have to have a awkward conversation with Sirius? Yep.

It's mostly the fact that if I make eye contact with Rem once, he'll know exactly what happened and I can't lie to him for the life of me.

I pushed that thought to the back of my head though so I could just wrap up practice quickly.

But I quickly realized once practice finished that I had to explain this to Lily, she'd immediately think Sirius did something, even though technically he did, I also asked him to.

With that I grudgingly made my way to the phone and dialed.

"Hello?" She said

"Hey, it's me" I said

"Oh, hey Lav, what's up?" She asked

"So it was just Andrew and I here, he had a family thing and had to run, so I have to stay til close, there's no one on schedule for the rest of the night so I'm just gonna be sitting here alone until close so if you need anything just call" I said

"Okay, don't worry about it Lav, just let me know when you're on your way home, if it's dark I'll grab the guys and we can meet you half way" She said

"I will, see you in like, two hours, good luck Lils" I joked

"Thanks" She said before she hung up.

I went around the rink and set up the things for the practice in the morning before I went and just sat in the office.

After about ten minutes, the phone rang.

"Duntonbury ice plex, this is Lavender how can I help you?" I said.

"Lav, it's me" Lily said

"Oh, hey, you okay?" I asked

"Yeah, just fine, okay, this is gonna sound crazy at first, but you just have to go with it" She said

"Whats up?" I asked

"Okay, I may or may not have brought the guys to the rink for something to do, and got them all skates, we just need you to let us in we're locked out of the actual skating area" She said

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