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Normani's POV

Normani sat against the headboard of the old full sized bed and counted her money. At that current time she had exactly $300 to her name. "Damn it.." she mumbled.

She had no job skills, she was partially college educated, and she was in a place that was totally foreign to her. But she was gonna go back home to California, that was the absolute last resort. Nothing or no one could convince her to go back. Normani got up and sat in the window-seat, there wasn't much to do she just sat and watched the people go by. Where she was staying was across the street from the local diner.

One of the waitress threw down her apron and stormed out. Shortly after a waitress came up to the window and put up a help wanted sign.

"Well goddamn." Normani said.

The waitress across the street noticed Normani watching her. She nodded toward the sign then walked to the back of the kitchen. Normani contemplated for a second about inquiring about the job. The money she had wasn't gonna last forever and she had to come up with something quick. She fixed her hair a little and made her way to the diner.

When she walked inside she saw the waitress that hung up the sign. Normani sat at the counter and looked around.

"Well, it's about time you stop sitting in the window and came outside."



Hey y'all. I am so sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile. I don't know what happened because y'all know I can crank out chapters like this nothing. But I feel like I've hit a creative roadblock that I can't get around. The snippet you read was from a month ago and I haven't written since.

I've taken you guys advice and tried different things but I don't know what else to do.

Hopefully I'll get my mojo back soon.

BUT here's the real tea. I turn 25 in 8 days 🥴 I don't know how to feel. Lately my life has revolved around work, I'm grateful to have a job but it can be a lot sometime. I'm a food service worker at a hospital and's mess. We're short-staffed so hours are a mess, sometimes I'm doing multiple doubles in a week. But the job could be easier if my boss would hire more people but that's not my business. Hopefully things turn around.

If your job is short staffed right now I feel your pain and we're gonna be alright.

Also shout to anybody that's in the graduating class of 2021. Y'all did it and I wish y'all nothing but the absolute best on your future quests.

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