Chapter Eight.

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Zayn's POV

My date night was ruined but my face felt even worse. I couldn't even go pick Halle up, I went straight home to tell my parents what was going on. I pulled into the driveway and walked into the house, the lights in the living room were low and parents were hugged up on the couch.

I turned on the light and my mom gasped when she saw me. "Zayn what happened to you?" She asked.

"The lost Harper son that's what happened." I said.

"I thought you were going on a date, son?" Arin asked.

"I was but Zaya said she wanted to see me first. I get there and she's hanging out with our other brother." I explained.

My mom examined my face to determine wether my nose was broken or not. "It's not broken but he socked you pretty damn good." She said.

"He almost snapped my neck too, but I'm fine." I said.

"Tell me more about this kid." Dad said.

"There not much to him. His name is Zion, he looks like me, and Normani is his mom." I said.

"So she's back in New York?" Mom asked.

"I don't know, all I know is that he's staying with Zaya and TJ." I said.

"I swear your sister finds new ways to piss me off everyday." Dad said.

Mom sighed and rubbed my cheek, "Stay away from that kid, alright. Stay away from your sister as well." She said.

"Say fucking less." I got up and went upstairs to my room. The pain in my nose was becoming more and more uncomfortable. I took a few painkillers and went to sleep. Zion and I may share the same blood but he doesn't want any problems with my family. Especially my dad.

I fell asleep and when I woke up it was after midnight. I put on my glasses and headed downstairs to the kitchen to get an ice pack for my face. As I was walking upstairs I could hear my parents having a very intense conversation.

Dad: Where the fuck did this kid come from and why is he in New York? How the hell did Zaya find him?

Mom: Who knows? But if he's Normani's kid then we have a problem on our hands. Especially if he's linked up with Zaya.

Dad: Zaya isn't as smart as she thinks she is, babe.

Mom: Zaya came to me and asked what happened the night her father was murdered. She didn't have to say it but I know she's got something up her sleeve.

Dad: I hope you told her Normani did it.

Mom: That's exactly what I did. Do you really think I'm gonna tell my kids I set their father up to be killed then married his brother?

Everything I was told, everything I thought I knew turned out to be a lie. I always thought my birth father was a monsters but he's nothing compared to the two monsters that raised me.

Dad: Good.

Mom: Zaya thinks Normani is the one that did it. But if that kid is here, Normani's told her what really went down that night.

Dad: Either that or Normani died and made some deathbed confession, this kid found Zaya, and now those two are working together.

Mom: So what are you gonna do?

Dad: We just stay quiet and see what happens.

I went to my door and slammed the door behind me. That whole conversation ruined my night even more. There was a soft knock on my door and I knew it was my mom. "Come in." I said.

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