Chapter Twenty Five.

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Zion sat on the balcony with Zayn in his own little world. Ever since Justine left he hasn't been himself. His moms are his everything, not having Justine around anymore hurts him more than he thought. The way she left is what's bothering him more than anything. She just left without saying goodbye. No letter, no phone call, or anything.

Zayn finished up his homework for the day and lit himself a blunt. He held it out for Zion but he didn't want it.

"I'm sure she had a good reason for leaving, bro." Zayn said.

"I refuse to believe that. Ever since dad came back she wasn't herself." Zion said.

"Hmm." Zayn sighed, "Look bruh, you're her baby boy, whatever she feels towards Normani and our dad can't be that bad. I'm sure the love she has for you is stronger than all that."

"Then why did she leave, Zayn?" Zion asked.

"You'll have to ask her that." Zayn said.

"She ain't returning my calls or nothing." Zion said sadly.

"Give her some time to get settled, I guarantee she'll hit you back." Zayn said.

Zion sighed, "I guess so."

"In the meantime, let's go hit these corners and get ready to have dinner with mom later on." Zayn said.

The brothers got up and got ready so they could do their pickups. They hit corners and collected the payments. Zaya was sitting at the club waiting for them to come back with the money. Once she gets it, she counts it out, divides it up and pays her boys. Then she launders it through the strip club so the IRS doesn't get suspicious.

Mulatto and a few of the other girls came in early so they could get some pole practice in. Mulatto slithered off stage and made her way back to Zaya's office. Zaya looked up at the monitors and groaned, she hit the intercom button and asked, "Shouldn't you be rehearsing?"

"Yeah but I need to talk to you." Mulatto said.

Zaya hit the button and let Mulatto in. "To what do I owe this visit, Latto?" She asked.

"I just wanted to check on you that's all." Mulatto said.

"Lie to me." Zaya said.

"Nah, I'm serious. You seem off and i just wanted to see if you were straight that's all." Mulatto said.

Zaya got up and fixed herself a drink, "I appreciate your concern but I'm fine. Now why'd you really come back here?"

"I wanna be a headliner." Mulatto said.

"Latto, baby, no." Zaya said.

"Why not?" Mulatto asked.

"You not headliner material. Don't get me wrong you work but you don't work hard enough. Now the reason I made Goodie a headliner, is she's beautiful. But now only is she beautiful she put in the work to become the headliner." Zaya said.

"Working the pole or working you?" Mulatto asked.

Zaya was very close to smacking the shit out of Mulatto but she didn't. She just kindly told her to get back on stage and put in some work. Goodie came in as well so she could put in some extra work. She put her things in her locker and headed out. Before she could make it to the main stage Zaya called out for her.

"I got work to do, boss lady." Goodie said.

"Adina, come here." Zaya said.

"Bye Zaya." Goodie said.

After that Zaya's mood changed, she didn't want to be bothered with anyone. Zayn dropped Zion off at Tiana's house so he could chill with her. He then came to the club so he could drop of the money. Zaya mushed him in the face, snatched the bags out of his hands, and locked herself in the office. Zayn used his free time to go catch up with his girlfriend.

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