Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Normani never though it would be possible for her to be sad on what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of her life. Her she was marrying the father to her children, her soulmate, her best friend. Yet she found herself in a drowning in a deep depression.

The two people she wanted more than anything to be here were gonna. Her father and her best friend Dinah Jane. Derrick's heart gave out when Zion was about three years old. Then Dinah was tragically taken away from her way too soon. Losing them still doesn't sit right with Normani.

Normani sat in front of the vanity with tears forming in her eyes. "Mani open up."

"Who is it?" Normani asked.

"Your granny."

"Oh." Normani quickly blotted the tears off her cheeks and invited her grandma in. Barbara walked in and took a seat in the recliner. "You look beautiful, grandma." She said.

"And you look said. What's wrong with you?" Barbara asked.

"Nothing, just a little nervous." Normani said.

"Mmhm, now tell me the real problem." Barbara said.

You would think Normani would learn to not try and run game on her grandma. No matter how tough she tries to act Barbara can see straight through all of that. The same way Normani can tell when something is wrong with her kids even when they lie to her.

"I miss my daddy was here. And I really wish Dinah Jane was here too. This was not how  imagined my wedding day going. Daddy was gonna give me away and Dinah was gonna be my maid of honor. It was gonna be the most perfect doesn't even feel close to perfect, grandma." Normani explained.

"I know it hurts not to have them here. But think of the positive, you've got me and your mom, plus those three beautiful children here to witness this. And even though your daddy and Dinah Jane aren't physically here, they're here in spirit." Barbara said.

"Speaking of mom, where is she?" Normani asked.

"She had to run and pick up something but she'll be here." Barbara said.

Drea had picked up what she needed and headed back to the venue. She walked to Normani's room and stuck her head in the room. "You might not wanna fix your makeup right away." She said.

"Why?" Normani asked.

"You're gonna cry again." Drea said.

Drea opened the door and two people came in that immediately bought Normani to tears.

Seth and Regina, Dinah's younger siblings.

Normani got up and hugged both of them. Her mom was right, she cried again. It's been a long time since she saw both of them. "Lose the tears you're about to get married in an hour." Regina said.

"I'm just happy to see you guys." Normani said.

"Your mom reached out to us and asked if we could be here, so here we are." Seth said.

"That's right. You took care of our sister, our entire family to be honest. So being here is the least we could do to say thank you." Regina said.

Normani smiled and hugged them a little tighter, "Thank you guys so much."

"We're not dressed like this for our health you know. Where do we fit in the wedding party?" Seth asked.

"Seth you can be the ring bearer. Regina, be my maid of honor please?" Normani asked.

"I'd be honored." Regina said.

"Yay!" Normani said excitedly.

"Okay let's get you made up and ready for your big day." Drea said.

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