Sakura and Gaara Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: "The Consequences of War?"

Sakura had to make a plan and make one fast. She knew Gaara would kill him in seconds but Konoha needed Sasuke for questioning about Orochimaru. "Kakashi what do we do at this rate Gaara will kill Sasuke" Sakura asked pleading for an answer.

"We just have to wear him out until he passes out then we can get him to Tsunade" Kakashi responded. Naruto and Sakura both nodded their heads and Gaara had overheard the conversation and knew what the plan was. "Sakura where did you go?" Sasuke whined. Sakura cringed the voice she used to love to hear call her name now frightened her. Now with a plan Sakura and Naruto tried to stay away from him Sakura knew her best bet was to be the one to wear him out seeing as how she was the one he wanted. It was about this time when Temari and Kankuro finally caught up. Kakashi hurried over to them and let them in on the plan they were extremely happy to help.

Sakura navigated through the woods as fast as she could through the wind and the rain with Sasuke training close behind her. Sakura was out as fast as she had seen the thing a tiny needle dipped in sleeping medicine pierced the skin in her neck it spread quickly causing her to drop instantly.

Sasuke nonchalantly walked over to pick up him prize his arms reached out for Sakura's limp body. He slung her over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. Sasuke steeped onto one of Orochimaru's snakes head and they left.

Gaara was the first to notice Sakura's presence fade but Kakashi was the first to speak "he has her" was all he said and everyone knew he was right Gaara's blood boiled with the thought of the Uchiha's hands on her.

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