Sakura and Gaara Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: AFTERMATH?  

Chapter 8 

Gaara watched as if almost in slow motion as Sakura fell to the ground. At that point Gaara threw all self control out the window and everyone saw it. He attacked Sasuke full force Sasuke quickly getting out of the way then using the chidori on Gaara but sand blocked the hit and gathered around Sasuke's feet. 

"Any last words?" Gaara said smirking. 

"Yeah look behind you" Sasuke said Gaara turned a fist slammed into his face sending Gaara's sand amour cascading down to the ground. In a second Sasuke had a sword to Gaara's throat. 

"Any last words?" Sasuke asked Gaara smirked and turned into sand the engulfed Sasuke's body. 


Sasuke was cut off by Gaara's sand pressing pressure points causing him to black out 

"Gaara" Temari breathed as she saw Gaara's eyes darken. "Kakashi if you want everyone to make it in one piece I suggest that you take them and leave" Kankuro commented Pointing to Sasuke and Naruto. 

"Alright" Kakashi replied telling Naruto to go and grabbing Sasuke's limp body 

"I'll leave Sakura I'm your care" he told Temari before leaving not wanting to see what would happen if anyone tried to touch Sakura it was obvious now by the way Gaara had acted. 

Gaara watched then leave then his eyes shifted to Sakura. Temari was slowly healing Sakura as much as she could as she could so that Sakura could finish healing herself or enough so they could get her to the hospital without her dying on them. Gaara slowly walked to his sister's side "we need to get her to the hospital" Temari said hurriedly Gaara and Kankuro nodded Temari picked Sakura up and the headed to the hospital. 

Everyone was in shock at how badly Sakura was injured. The hospital was filled with nurses running about. It made Gaara a bit nervous by how they took one look at Sakura and whispered amongst themselves. Finally one nurse came and showed Gaara a place to set Sakura down. 

Gaara didn't like the way they quickly shoved the sibling out of the room then slammed the door shut.

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