Sakura and Gaara Chapter 9 (Final Chap)

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Chapter 9  

Days went by and still no word on Sakura's condition. Temari and Kankuro had to come up with stupid things just to keep Gaara's mind off of Sakura's injured self. Her muscles still didn't regain their calm, strong, exterior as the doctor's had expected. 

Although her body was working on regenerating itself, it was still having a hard time healing the wound Sasuke had inflicted. The wound was not as deep, which Gaara was thankful for, and it was not infected either. 

Gaara, who was currently in the waiting room, sat in a chair; hoped, for the first time in his life, that Sakura was fine. He longed for her to be next to him in perfect health. 

"Gaara," Temari's voice rang. 

"'Hn'" Gaara said not looking up. 

"You can not stay here all day you know." His sister voice was soft. 

"...." Gaara did not say, nor look at his sister. 

Temari sighed at Gaara's lack of response. 

'He is still so worked up about that fight?' Temari questioned herself mentally as she looked at her youngest brother with a worried gaze. 

'Who know Gaara could hold such animosity towards a person...especially Uchiha Sasuke.' Temari thought sympathetically. 

"Gaara," A nurse's voice echoed. 

Gaara's head snapped upward as he heard the female nurse's voice. 

"Yes?" he asked with a bit of hope echoed in his voice. 

"Sakura-Chan is fine right now. Do you want to see her?" The blonde nurse questioned. 

Before the blonde nurse even finished her question Gaara was already up and almost to the hall way that led to Sakura's room. The nurse blinked in surprise as Temari chuckled. 

Gaara rushed towards Sakura's room with a steady pace. It might have looked like he was walking, fast, but in his mind he was walking way to slow for his comfort. But being Kazekage, he still had to pose as the calm mellow Kage that would not let a simple thing bother him. 

The nurse followed Gaara's fast pace. She did not reach the room quickly, unlike Gaara who reached it in less than ten minutes. Once she saw him next to Sakura, she decided to give him sometime alone with the pink haired patient. 

As the nurse walked into the room Gaara was already by Sakura's bedside watching her sleep. Her pink hair was lying sprawled out across her pillow and her face held a serene sense of peace. Almost as if she was in heaven. 

Gaara frowned at that thought. He knew she would go to heaven someday; someday. Not anytime soon though. He would not allow that; well if he could prevent it he would not allow it. 

Sakura's body stirred and a soft moan escaped her lips. "Gaara-kun..." 

She mumbled in her, what he was guessing, sleep. 

Gaara's eyes widened as he heard his name escape her sleeping lips. His eyes traveled down to her lips, where he heard his name, and back to her eyes where he longed to see her soft jade eyes. 

Still she did not wake up. Her eyes did not stir nor did her body even twitch. Gaara's frown remained as he gazed at the pink-haired vixen. She still had not moved. 

Five minutes later she still didn't move. 

Ten minutes later, she did not stir; not one bit. 

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