Chapter 9: Holy Sholy

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Jae and I parted ways after exchanging phone numbers and I couldn't help the giddy smile on my face as I skipped through the doors of my next class. Another friend. I almost couldn't believe it. Was it really this easy? And to think I was friends with a cat for the span of my elementary and high school years.

A hand ruffled my hair and I ducked down, searching for the owner of the hand to find Calix, his silver eyes gleaming with mischief and humor, as per usual. "So, what's this class about?" He asked nonchalantly, gazing lazily around the large lecture room.

I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Why are you here, Calix? You're not in this class."

Another hand landed on my shoulder and I whipped my head around. Pierce stuck his bottom lip out in a pout as he looked down at me. "That hurts, Duckie. Don't forget about me now." He feigned hurt by placing a hand at his chest.

"Why are you guys here? Don't you have classes to be in or something?"

Pierce shrugged a shoulder before repeating the same lazy scan of the lecture room that Calix did moments earlier. "We're just chilling until the guys get finished with their classes."

I tried to shrug off his arm but he was big and I was not. "Then why don't you go bother them?" I whined.

Pierce flashed a smirk down at me before pulling me forward to a row of empty seats. "They're nowhere near as entertaining."

I heaved a sigh of resignation and followed their lead to the empty seats, plopping down next to Calix as Pierce took the spot opposite of him. I was sagged down in my seat, feeling defeated and tired.

A tap on my head had me peeling my lids apart, my eyes widening when they met a familiar pair of mismatched irises. I shot up in my seat with a beaming smile, happy to see a face that wasn't part of the Big Brother Brigade.
Felix smiled back as he took a seat in the row ahead of us. Before he could say anything though, the rough growl of a throat being cleared grabbed his and my attention.

We both look at Pierce as his sharp eyes focused on Felix. Felix glanced at me with a raised eyebrow, but the only thing I could do was grimace in silent apology. First Maddox, now Pierce?

It was nice knowing you, Felix. Thank you for being my first friend.

Pierce threw an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his toned chest and making me wobble on the edge of my chair. "And who might this be, Maia?"

I flinched at the use of my real name. What was with these guys today? Was I not allowed to have friends?
I waved a shaky hand at Felix. "This is, Felix...?" What was his last name again?

Felix chuckled before waving in greeting. "G'day fellas, the name's Felix Evison. It's a pleasure," he said, his voice light and friendly. I had to say, this man feared nothing if not Maddox or Pierce.

Calix leaned forward, his chin resting in his palms as he scrutinized Felix. "Is that your real eye color?" His eyes squinted in suspicion.

A snort ripped through Felix's throat, making me recall his multiple snorts from our last class. I guess it was a normal thing for him. He nodded. "Bloody oath mate," he chuckled. It amazed me how easily Felix just fit himself into a group of people. He never seemed uncomfortable no matter who he was around.
Sigh, if only I could do something like that.

Felix pointed vaguely back at Calix. "That your real hair color?"

Calix blinked in shock before a pretty shade of red flushed his cheeks, almost matching the dye in his hair. "I–you–I mean no, but–ugh!" He threw his hands up in the air, then slouched back into his chair, his lip jutting out into an embarrassed pout. "Of course it's not real, you prick," I heard him mumble under his breath. I giggled at Calix and Felix. They made a pretty funny duo.

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