Chapter 8: Duckie Hunting

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After running for half a mile to the other end of campus, I finally allowed myself to gulp down some much needed oxygen, resting my hands on my knees as I huffed and puffed. I was not in the right shape to be sprinting across campus.

I glanced around, noticing that I was in the music hall...? Practice rooms lined either side of the warmly lit hall, and I could pick up the muffled melodies of various instruments. Pulling out my phone, I noticed it was only 10:30 AM. I had my next class at 1:30 PM and I didn't have to worry about buying lunch because I brought my own. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich with apple slices and veggie chips. And don't forget the two juice boxes.

I think this called for a nap. Although it had faded, the dull pound of this morning's headache was still keeping rhythm in the back of my poor skull. Maybe a small snooze would help.

I stood on my toes, checking through the narrow window on the practice room doors for a vacant room to infiltrate. At the second to last door on the left, I found the jackpot and slid through the door. The light could stay off, I just wanted a quick power nap.

A grand piano was placed in the back corner of the room, and I decided that was the best place to have my nap. Quickly setting an alarm for noon on my phone, I curled up beneath the large piano, my knees tucked into my chest as my head laid on my almost empty backpack.

The blissful pull of sleep was cut like a string by the soft click of the door as it was opened and my eyes flew open. Panic bubbled in my chest, but I stayed deathly still, afraid of coming out from this strange position.

A quietly mumbled 'Excuse me' was heard and I admired the gentle tenor voice. I mentally slapped myself on the cheek. Now's not the time for drooling, Duckie, you gotta get out of here!

The stranger shuffled about the room, and the soft click of a case followed. I wanted so bad to make some noise, but I held back the urges. My pride was on the line.

The stranger cleared his throat slightly. The soft strumming of an acoustic guitar filled the silence, the chords ringing nostalgically in my chest. His fingers expertly orchestrated a beautifully heart-wrenching melody that had me near tears.

Then he began to sing.

His voice was water, flowing smoothly through each note of each chord and weaving it together. His voice held no rasp, no breathiness, no growl, nothing but a soft velvet steadiness.

A strangled note came from the guitar and he stopped. A whiny noise came from him before he let out an audible 'Wahhh', reminding me of a child throwing a tantrum.

Before I could stop it, a giggle slipped past my lips.

Oh, duck.

I gasped, my hand flying up to my mouth as if I could stop what already happened. The painful scrape of a chair on the wooden floor made me flinch before silence fell heavily over the room like a wet blanket.

"Who's there?" the smooth voice called out cautiously.

The jig is up Duckie, it's time to fess up.

With a surrendering sigh, I crawled out from beneath the grand piano. When I looked up, my eyes locked on a deep blackish brown pair of adorable eyes behind a pair of large wireframe glasses. His eyes were smaller, but they were a round almond shape, resembling a child's. He had a small heart-shaped face with a cute nose and a small mouth with large plump lips that made me jealous. His feathery sandy blonde hair was growing out with black roots, proving that it wasn't his natural color, but still suiting him nonetheless. 

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