Chapter 6: Oh Duck...

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The car ride ended without tears, much to my surprise. I could feel the testosterone choking me as the big meaty boys interacted with each other. They talked about weightlifting and motorcycles and fighting tournaments, all things foreign to my sheltered and lazy mind. When the car was parked in a spot, I leapt over Mateo's lap, waving my hand hurriedly before I speed walked away as fast as my 'lil legs could carry me.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips when I made it to my first class safely, with minutes to spare. I plopped down in a row near the middle, scooting in until I was close to the middle of the line of tables. When I decided I was out of everyone's way, I laid my head down on the table, my eyes fluttering closed on their own accord as unconsciousness overtook me.


"How do you guys find such handsome people to be friends with? No one ever comes close to me!" I whined with a slur, the alcohol making everything teeter like a fun house. I giggled, but shook my head, pointing a wobbly finger at Maddox. "It's you," I growled. I threw my hands down like a child throwing a tantrum. "It's because you scared everyone away with your scary face!" I cried. It wasn't true, but it was a good excuse.

Angel chuckled, his thumb brushing his chin as his other hand held his elbow, his eyes examining me with a nerve-wracking severity. I could feel his eyes burning holes into me, but I was feeling too good to let it bother me. Maddox stomped over to me, his eyebrows creased with annoyance and he smacked me softly on the back of the head, causing my head to fall forward. I stumbled as dizziness overcame me, but Oliver caught me by the shoulders. His eyes shimmered with mirth as he righted me. "You doin' alright there, Duckie?" He asked, laughter in his voice.

A lazy smile spread across my face as I nodded. I waved my hand around like it was obvious. "Of course, I'm cool as a cucumber."

Calix cackled at me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Y'know, it'd be a lot more believable if you didn't slur."

I narrowed my eyes at him, shaking his hand off of my shoulder. Mateo spoke up from the couch, "Duckie, do you want some water?"

Pierce scoffed at him, holding up a small glass. "Don't be a pussy. Here Duckie, have another shot!" A guttural laugh escaped my lips as I staggered towards the devil's juice. My fingers wrapped around the smooth glass and I put the cup to my lips, tilting my head back and letting the liquid slosh into my mouth before swallowing it. I smacked my lips, wiping the back of my hand over my mouth, then handed the shot glass back to Pierce with a salute before sauntering to the couch.

I plopped onto the cushion between Teddie and Joji, my head falling onto Teddie's shoulder. He rubbed my cheek gingerly, "You sure you're alright, Duckie?" he asked me in his captivating lilt.

I hummed in approval, curling into Teddie's side and wrapping myself around his arm. "You have such a nice voice, Teddie," I commented into his chest. I could feel his heart quicken under my ear and I giggled, "Ha ha, you're nervous, Teddie," I teased, lifting my head so I could poke him in the cheek, which was a soft shade of pink. He turned his head away from me and rubbed his cheek with the palm of his hand. My head plopped against his chest again, "Joji also has a nice voice." I watched Joji's chest bounce as he huffed in laughter. "And Oliver." Oliver's eyes shone and his dimples were on full display as he beamed at me. "Calix sounds like an anime guy," I cackled into Teddie's chest.

"Nani?" Calix shouted from the other side of the room, causing my small snickers to morph into uncontrollable laughter. He joined me in my laughing fit.

I felt a soothing hand on my back, and glanced to find Mateo beside me, a cup of water in his other hand, outstretched to me. "Here, Duckie, have some water," he said, a faint smile on his lips. My hand reached for the cup, bringing it to my lips to sip.

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