I prefer detective jerkface, please

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It was nearing break, and I was in no way, ready. For lunch meant going to the huge cafeteria, and I had no mood to sit right in the middle of gossip mongers who had been eyeing me since morning like predators. Luckily, Shreen was a lovely escort when she wanted to be, and played a major part in shooing them away. But her third period was business, while mine was English, so we had to part ways.

I choose the least inconspicuous desk in the class, the middle benches, to blend in. I had read enough to know that last benches were for people who pretended to hate attention but secretly craved it and I was no dumbass.

I loved English literature, for obvious reasons. I wanted to be a homicide detective when I grew up, but English was my soft corner and the reason for my personality being so eccentric. Today we were supposed to quietly read pride and prejudice and solve the assignment in study hall afterwards. I had already done my reading, but Elizabeth Bennett was too badass to not be reread a million times.

I was duly engrossed in the scene where Mr. Darcy is being an ass when a paper ball hits me on my delicate nose. Already pissed at the world, it does not take me long to frown and scrunch the stupid ball and aim it at the dustbin, like a pro. And I begin reading again as if nothing happened. Turns out, people cannot take a hint, who knew?

Another paper ball whooshes past my head and crumples near my foot, and I just lose it. I glare at the very corner of my classroom and come in contact with the residual jackass, Rayen.

Rayen, ladies, and gentlemen, was a guy you should never ship me with. He was a regular-sized pervert who I guess does not have a very good size where it should matter, considering the way he does not restrain from feeling up any girl or woman that has the bad luck of crossing his way. Luckily, I seem to have a bit of a reputation so he has kept his hands to himself for now, but he speaks filth, and that is the reason for my blatant disregard to his notes.

Rayen, by now, was fully smirking at me and giving me suggestive glances by constantly looking at the note in my hands. Sighing, I pick it up and decide to open it and be done with him. I open the paper ball and clear out the edges and read-

Hey asssssthaaa, you seem to be very popular now, wanna give me a taste of that ass now?

Suffice to say, he did not disappoint me by being courteous or a good guy. But what did baffle me was how these lines actually worked on people who had little to no regard for themselves and I felt pity for them, and a bit gross. Because, no matter his faults, the jackass had a good face and he knew it. The worst part, that was all that was good about him.

He was around 6 feet tall, with tousled blond hair, the first sign of being a dick, with green eyes and a smirky face. He had a good body, for being a lacrosse player worked wonders with the toning, and he kept pulling off his shirt in matches, no matter what the outcome.

So yeah, he may sound like a regular guy to you, but he was a pervert who had no sense of boundaries or consent, which definitely made him a jackass.

Hence, the note was trodden upon, squished horribly, and then, again, thrown in the dustbin, where they both belong. And before he could write something else, the bell rang, and I jumped out of my chair in the hurry to run away. I needed to go take a piss and so I ran to the nearest washroom, the one functioning since the other one was restricted for obvious reasons. I come out of the stall, and I was busy washing my hands when tasmia joins me.

"Where do you wanna go today, cafeteria or the cafe outside?" she asks

"Can we please go to the cafe, looking at these people creep me out and I could definitely do with a change of scenery," I say poutingly

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