Chapter 1

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                                                 What is wrong with this city? 

You cried as you watched your mother pack her bags sending you glares as if you were the reason she was leaving. You weren't. He was. You looked at your father, with tears still in your eyes, him? Was he crying? Was showing the smallest hint of saddness for driving your mother over the edge and forcing her to take it out on you and eventually leave? No. That- that jerk was just standing there stone faced watching his wife of at least ten years leave. What a nice guy. It was a great idea of your mothers not to call cps, huh?  The very moment your mother walked out the door without even saying good bye, or sparing a glance, was the moment your stand began to develop. Impermanence

You woke up from your nap to the sound of a thud, in all honesty you were glad you had woken up, out of all the horrible meories you had that was definately one of your least favorites. Stretching and yawning, you lazily opened you eyes to look around. You were still on the train. Good. You hadn't missed your stop. Also good. There was a man who appeared to be in his twenties interrogating and punching what seemed to be a 15 year old. Also goo- wait, what? You rubbed your eyes and looked back at the scene again, the polka dot suit wearin, bob cut havin, grown man was beating the living daylights out of a child. That is a no-no. Your eyes widened and you slapped your hand over your mouth as the blonde boy was punched again. The man in a white suit looked around the train and said "What, do you want to punch him too?" (I can't actually remember what he said in this scene and it's 11 pm and im too lazy to google it.) The other passenhers turned away from the scene and out the window like it was the most interesting thing they had ever seen. But unlike the other passengers your eyes were glued on the pair. The man in a strange suit looked at you "Stop staring." You didn't exactly like his tone, so you decided to be stupid and said "wanna make me" with your arms and legs crossed like you actually had a chance. But the moment he looked like he was going to approach you, that's when you strong demeanor faltered and you turn back into a little baby huddled in the corner. He then went back to beating the child. 

You tried to avert your attention from the fight, until you heard "Sticky Fingers!"  I'm,sorry sticky what? You thought to yourself. You then turned your head away from the oh so interesting wall and saw a weird blue man. "So he has a stand?" you thought outloud but not loud enough for the man to hear. You had known about stands for a while, after all you had one yourself, but you always thought it was just your trauma forcing you to see things. Huh, cool, trauma am i right? 

Eventually the two took the fight outside so you took that chance to hurry out of the train making sure to avoid the disembodied fingers on your way out. That's toatlly not gross. You thought as you shimmied past them.

When you finally got home to your small apartment you were so weirded out you didn't bother cooking. There most likely wasn't food in there anyway. You were about to fall and pass out on the couch when the phone began to ring. You groaned. You Picked up the phone. 

"Hello?" you said

"Hello, is this Miss/Mister Y/n L/n?" The voice on the other line said

"Yes, w-who is this?" 

"My name is Polpo, and i would like you to visit me."

How did polpo call you from jail? I don't know either so we can be confused together! :) anyhow what so you think he wants? I think he's going to try and get us all fat like him so we can feel his pain. :). Any how hope you enjoyed this chapeter, the next one i will try to make longer. See ya- Mochi~

Cursed advice: Slap a child just like bruno :) 

p.s. music at the top is what i listened to while writing, should i do that more, just as a treat?

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