my dumbass needs to stop with crossovers

391 15 76


Author: hey bitches and bros and nonbinary hoes!

Saihara: i- not again.....


#bullykaihoe2021: oml not again

Akamatsu: thats amazing

Iruma: kinky

Akamatsu: this is dumb

Harukawa: hey! Don't say that!

Akamatsu: shut up

Author: my yamaguchi kinnie is wanting to say sorry tsukki RN 💀



Shirogane: sorry!

Author: you fucking better me

Shiragane: I can smell the iwa-chan kinnie through the screen

Author: your not wrong-

[17 people have been added to the chat]

Monokuma: oh hello dear author it's nice to meet again

Author: I will drop kick you

Emo detective: why are we here? Were in the middle of a class trail

Panta king: awwwe and I was about to fool them into believing that I was the culprit

ASSASSin fool? You mean you ARENT the culprit

Monokuma: we right now are in the chapter 4 trail!

Emo detective: chapter?

Saihara: this is a dream come true

ASSASSin: no you have to deal with kokichi, its a nightmare

Ouma: ╥﹏╥

Saihara: ouma-kun don't be sad, here ill come to your dorm and cuddle you!

Ouma: thanks saihara-kun

Panta king: 🍵👁👁🍿

Space doesn't want you: what's going on here??????

Space doesn't want you:

akamatsu: the only thing wrong here IS THE AMOUNT OF QUESTION MARKS YOU USED

Panta king: she's got a point

Iruma: she always does

Panta king: and that right there, is a simp

Akamatsu: N o. Saihara is a simp

Saihara: I AM NOT A SIMP

Iruma: you are

Saihara: I AM NOT

Ouma: saihara-kun isn't a simp! I've never seen him simp for someone before

Saihara: exactly!

Panta king: your not only dumb, BUT YOUR ALSO DENSE??

Ouma: sorry

Panta king: i- dude it was a joke- chill

boys will be bugs: what is going on

Panta king: how is he typing so well?

Monokuma: autocorrect

Panta king: okkkk

Akamatsu: soooo who's dead so far?

Panta king: Rantaro, kaede, ryoma, mom (kirumi), Angie, tenko, korekiyo, and Miu

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