Chapter 1

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Hey I'm Leah, Capricorn, 17 and I have just made the biggest mistake of my life!
It all started with that party.....

Last week:
"Hey Leah you going to the party this Friday night, it's at Keely Johansons house, her parents are out of town?" Chloe Jensen asks me in first period

"Uhhhh I'm not sure yet, my parents are not pleased with my grades, I'll have to use my powers of persuasion!"

"Oh that'll work, like with every other guy it has!" she points out

Chloe is a good friend of mine, we aren't close but we talk a bit.

I'll admit it, I'm very popular, your stereotypical popular, rich bitch, who will date all the football players and have poor grades. I'm not really a bitch though, I'm nice enough to people, I just break hearts far too frequently which may have given me my rep.

My best friend Katherine or kat, its the one with the good grades and any guys who don't follow me follow her, but she has a secret I only know, she's a lesbian. She likes all the girls her older brother asshole Anthony 'conquers'. She hates him for that and we have put on set of mini bestie rules but she has one important one for her
'Don't date my brother!' She always warns me

I mean it's not like he isn't cute because he is! but he's just a toxic douchebag and I wouldn't ever betray kat like that! Nor would I date him and let myself be one of his 'conquests'

And she'll never forgive me!

See guys you see where I'm going with this mistake?

I leave school early, cannot take anymore of
"Leah Miller! Pay attention!"
"Leah Miller! Stop getting distracted!"

I'll have to persuade my parents somehow to let me go to that party!

See? I wish I listened to them though....

A few days later

"Please! Please! Pleaseeeeeeeee let me goooo! I'll up my grades! I'll clean the entire house! I'll do anything! Please!" I beg following my mum around the house

"Let me think about it..... No!" She repeats

"It'll be weird if I'm not there mum!" I try to persuade

"No your grounded from bunking off school! Again!" She reminds me

"Ugh! You ruin everything!" I yell and slam my bedroom door closed

Boy I wish I listened to her!

"Leah Josephine Miller! Get down here now!"

Uh oh! My dads back!

"Hey dad!" I say squeakier than I meant

"Did you yell at your mother an bunk off school again?" He's disappointed in me, I hate it when he is, he is always pushing me to my best.

"It's just too much pressure dad!" I whine

"Well then if it's too much pressure for school, then you definitely shouldn't go to that party, you need to focus on your work and relieve yourself from that pressure." He smirks

"Ugh! Fine you and mum win! I'll stay home tonight. But can you not disturb me studying then please?" I say, knowing I'm gonna lock the door and sneak to the party.

"Fair enough, but first eat your dinner, no rush right?" He smiles and goes to my mum.

I speed though dinner and race to my bedroom.

My big great mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now