Chapter 3

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I walk into English class with not a care into the world and sit next to Chloe. I remind myself I'm doing this for kat and how if I could get her a girl that Anthony hasn't been with maybe I might feel better.

I open out my notebook and start copying down notes.

"Hey Leah, your passing right?" Chloe whispers

"Barley, hey you know who is passing English, kat!"

"Oh yeah she's really good, do you think you could ask if she could tutor me? I'd be happy if she could!" Chloe asks

Kats gonna love me for this!
But is Chloe into girls?

"Yeah I'll try. Hey, question if you were to date josh brooks of Stacy Coolmen who would you date?" I am really sus right now, "I'm just doing a chart.... For....... Maths!"

"Oh uh cool, I despise people like josh so Stacy!" Brilliant!

"Thanks. I'll try speak to her and get back to you later."

I speed out of lesson to lunch where kat is sitting eagerly waiting for me.

"So.... What happened?"

"We'll she first said she needed a tutor for English."

"Please tell me I'm that tutor!" She begs

"Well.... She said she'd be happy for you to be her tutor!" I cheer

"Omg I love you!" She hugs me hard.
This feels good to hear.

"Hey hey hey, there's more. I asked if she would date the amazing josh brooks of Stacy Coolmen and I told her it was for maths and I asked everyone and she chose Stacy!"

"If that's not les I don't know what is. Im gay but even I think josh is wow!" She whispers, no one knows still so we always have to be cautious.

"I have history last I'll let her know to meet you where and when."

"Okay thanks, tell her library, 5 o'clock." She's really excited

"Well hello sis and friend." Ugh just the person I wanted to see, "what you so excited about?"

"Stop being nosey ant and run of and screw some girl in the janitors closet."

"Uh we'll see I just came from doing that, I think her name was... Chloe!" He jokes

"Shut up and leave!" I tell him

"Fine I will, for a girl like you!" Ugh! What is he saying, 'a girl like me!' That's what he kept saying that night

"Don't you dare touch her ant I'm warning you!" Kat gets up and whisper yells

"Jeez, wouldn't dream of it!" He rolls his eyes and walks off

"God! What is he doing bowing down to you and saying 'anything for you! Girl like you' I'm sorry but is he on something!" She laughs, I join in to defuse suspicion and then I leave for my locker

I open my locker and get my Spanish book out. I check my make up, I'm looking...... not great. Since that night I've been a walking zombie. Ugh! Guess Spanish will have to wait. I run to the girls bathroom and it's empty, no one really skips here.

I clean it all off and wash my face. I then hear the door open. I fling my head up and hit it in the dryer.

"Shit! Sorry I'm a clutz I'll be out your way in a few minutes." Great now I have soap in my eye

"Hey whoever you are can you pass me a tissue, soap in my eye." It burns

The mystery girl goes over and gets a tissue then they raise a hand and cup my face and wipe away the soap.

This person is being so nice. But what girl is doing this for me? Wait? Is this even a girl.

I open my eyes and I see Anthony in front of me. I back away and hit my head again.

"Shit! Anthony what the hell are you doing here? This is the girls bathroom and you shouldn't be near me!" I yell and rub my internally bleeding head

"Hey here I hurt my hand during practice I still have the ice pack use it to stop the pain." He hands me a ice pack and I sit up on the sink and groan at the cold touching my head.

"I heard banging and I saw you go in so I was wondering if you were okay."

"Why do you care?" I shoot back

"Like I told you, I can be nice when I want to."

"Well you know what would be nice, if you could leave."

"Now what kind of person would I be if I left you here and what if you have a concussion." He says locking the bathroom door and sitting up opposite me on the sink.

"Ugh okay fine I probably won't leave for a while and might miss history so get my phone."

He listens and passes it over

I scroll through and find Chloe

I text her to meet Kat at library's, at 5 and she says thanks.

Mission accomplished, yay (unenthusiastically)

"Who you texting?"

"If you must know Chloe."

"Oh I see my little sister has a crush!"

"Yeah but please don't bully her about it, we just found out she may be les so she's really excited."

"Fine, anything for you." He grins at me

"Oh yeah and quit doing that kat is really suspicious!"

"Okay.... Anything for you." He laughs

"Alright I've had enough call Joey to take me home!" I tell him

"He's still in practise, I'll take you!" He offers

Why oh why did my brother have to be busy now!

"Whatever kats in gym, or writing a note out of it, so I'll let her know I'm going home."

"Allow me." He takes my phone and gets my password right

"How!" I yell but regret it and hold my head in my hand

"Well I mean i watched you earlier. And sent! Ooo who's dumb, toxic asshole?" He smirks

"Who do you think?" I snatch my phone away and throw my bag over my shoulder and unlock the door and walk out, with a huge brain freeze and internal bleeding probably.

"Hey wait up! I'm driving!"

"Why can't I drive?"

"Because of your concussion!" He jokes

"Nope just internal bleeding."

"Talk about overreacting!" He rolls his eyes and as we get to the car he runs ahead and open the passenger door.

"There you go, m'lady."

"And that! Please don't do that!" I peer into the mirror and look at myself

"Ugh okay do you have a hat and glasses
"Well I have glasses and a hoodie?"
"That'll have to do." What am I doing?

"What you need these for?"
"Look at me!"
"You look, alright."
"Just drive and get me out of here!"

I get a call from joey.

"Hey joe what's up?"
"Whys your car here but your not? You were meant to drive me back, my car still getting fixed!"
"Sorry I had a head injury and someone is driving me home." I roll my eyes and look over at Anthony smirking

"Oh so I'm a someone! Not just a dumb toxic asshole!" He laughs

"Is that Anthony? Why are you with him?"

"He was there and helped don't worry look I have spare keys just go to the back and it's taped under."

"Okay thanks. Anthony try anything I dare you!" He warns then cuts of the call

"Ooo he's a little too late for that!" Anthony sings

"Shut up dickhead!"

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